On Sun, Jan 12, 2025 at 3:45 AM BPJ <bpj@melroch.se> wrote:
Apologies if I'm asking the bleeding obvious, but as so often I find it hard to find what I'm looking for in the help.The `gf` mapping opens the file name under the cursor in the same window. I have a file with one (absolute) file path on each line, and would like to be able to open two or more of them in new tabs without closing that file. If I do `gf` and then `:tabe #` I "lose my position" in the file with paths. So is there a mapping or command which opens the filepath under the cursor in a new tab or at least a new window without losing my position in the file with the path, or how could one be created (it probably could, this being Vim, but I can't figure out how...)?
:help CTRL-W_f
:help CTRL-W_gf
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