Sunday, September 30, 2012

Re: Change colour of cursor and matching bracket

On 23:53 Sun 30 Sep , Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Dominique Pelle wrote:
> > Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> >
> > > Erik Christiansen wrote:
> > >
> > >> On 30.09.12 11:12, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> > >> > Where in the fine manual is it mentioned how to change the colour of
> > >> > the cursor and the colour of the matching parenthesis / bracket for
> > >> > all file types? I have tried ":h cursor color" and several other
> > >> > phrases, the only relevant one that I found it "h color" which did not
> > >> > lead me to the answer. I have tried "highlight MatchParen cterm=bold
> > >> > ctermfg=red ctermbg=blue" but this did not change the colour of the
> > >> > matching parenthesis or bracket.
> > >>
> > >> For the cursor, I just set the initial colour in the xterm:
> > >>
> > >> col='-fg yellow -bg darkslategrey -cr red' # Colours
> > >> /usr/bin/xterm $col # and lots more options.
> > >>
> > >> In Vim, I then only change the cursor colour to indicate whether we're
> > >> in insert mode or not, without having to look down at the status bar:
> > >>
> > >> " Cursor Appearance: (Insert_Mode == Green, Normal_Mode == Red)
> > >> if &term =~ "xterm"
> > >> let &t_SI = "\<Esc>]12;green\x7"
> > >> let &t_EI = "\<Esc>]12;red\x7"
> > >> endif
> > >>
> > >> But the method could be used in other contexts, I guess.
> > >>
> > >> As regards MatchParen colouring, I've only made sure that is turned
> > >> off, since it drove me nuts when I tried it. The bouncing cursor is more
> > >> than enough.
> > >
> > > I also use a different cursor color for Insert mode. It's nice, but
> > > recently it has started to cause terminal window flicker. I asked
> > > Thomas Dickey and he blames Ubuntu Compiz. I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 and
> > > an automatic update about a month ago started the problem. It first
> > > happened after a reboot, one of the updates before that must have caused
> > > it.
> > >
> > > Still don't know how to fix it. It gets a bit annoying. Searching for
> > > Ubuntu screen flicker has many hits, but I haven't spotted the right one
> > > yet.
> >
> >
> > I also use different colors for the cursor in insert mode
> > vs normal mode with xubuntu-12.04 (with all updates)
> > and I have not noticed any flicker. Perhaps you can
> > try whether installing xfce solves your flicker issue:
> >
> > 1/ sudo apt-get update
> > 2/ sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop
> > 3/ Log out.
> > 4/ Select xfce to login
> >
> > I remember having very slow refresh and flicker
> > in vim a long time ago, and solved it at the time
> > by installing the latest Nvidia driver.
> I'm using ATI/AMD. I tried installing their proprietery driver.
> Resulted in my desktop being 640 x 480 :-( Then running the
> display manager to change the resulution has the OK button off-screen.
> AAAaaaargggg! Managed to hit it by pressing Tab the right number of
> times.
> Well, the flicker is less, it's just so short now that it is hardly
> noticeable. But the flicker is still there.
> --
> Sorry, no fortune today.
> /// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
> /// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
> \\\ an exciting new programming language -- ///
> \\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///

The flickering seems to be not just Ubuntu problem. I am running Gentoo
and can observe it here. As a terminal I use uxterm (version 279).

Best regards,

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Re: OmniCppComplete plugin

I found the problem.

My tags file is NOT Ok as I thought.
Incorrect version generated with:
ctags -R --C-kinds=+p --field=+S

This generates this tags file:
-bash-3.2$ cat tags
!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
!_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Darren Hiebert /
!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Exuberant Ctags //
!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL /official site/
a f1.h /^ int a; $/;" m struct:mystruct
b f1.h /^ int b;$/;" m struct:mystruct
main f1.c /^void main (void)$/;" f signature:(void)
myType f1.h /^} myType;$/;" t typeref:struct:mystruct
mystruct f1.h /^typedef struct mystruct {$/;" s

tags that works for this particular example were generated with:
ctags -R --C-kinds=+p --fields=+aS --extra=+q

-bash-3.2$ cat tags
!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
!_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Darren Hiebert /
!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Exuberant Ctags //
!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL /official site/
a f1.h /^ int a; $/;" m struct:mystruct access:public
b f1.h /^ int b;$/;" m struct:mystruct access:public
main f1.c /^void main (void)$/;" f signature:(void)
myType f1.h /^} myType;$/;" t typeref:struct:mystruct
mystruct f1.h /^typedef struct mystruct {$/;" s
mystruct::a f1.h /^ int a; $/;" m struct:mystruct access:public
mystruct::b f1.h /^ int b;$/;" m struct:mystruct access:public

The help file in omniCppComplete plugin (in .vim/doc/ folder) calls for:
ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .

I had assumed that since I am not using C++ (simply C), that the +ia in --fields and +q in --extra would be irrelevant.


On Sunday, September 30, 2012 8:32:52 PM UTC-7, happyFace wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to get autocompletion working for C files, specifically for structure members.
> I installed OmniCppComplete plugin.
> I get "-- Omni completion (^O^N^P) Pattern not found" after I type the "." for a struct variable "foo" as shown below.
> I am using vim 7.3 and exuberant ctags 5.8.
> -bash-3.2$ cat ~/.vimrc
> " This is a comment
> syntax on
> set path=**
> set tabstop=4
> set number
> " omnicppcomplete
> set nocp
> filetype plugin on
> -bash-3.2$
> -bash-3.2$ ls
> f1.c f1.h tags
> -bash-3.2$
> -bash-3.2$ cat f1.h
> typedef struct mystruct {
> int a;
> int b;
> } myType;
> -bash-3.2$ cat f1.c
> #include "f1.h"
> void main (void)
> {
> myType foo;
> foo. <-- as soon as I type the ".", I get Pattern not found!
> }
> -bash-3.2$ cat tags
> !_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
> !_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
> !_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Darren Hiebert /
> !_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Exuberant Ctags //
> !_TAG_PROGRAM_URL /official site/
> a f1.h /^ int a; $/;" m struct:mystruct
> b f1.h /^ int b;$/;" m struct:mystruct
> myType f1.h /^} myType;$/;" t typeref:struct:mystruct
> mystruct f1.h /^typedef struct mystruct {$/;" s
> mytype f1.c /^myType mytype;$/;" v
> -bash-3.2$
> -bash-3.2$ ctags --version
> Exuberant Ctags 5.8, Copyright (C) 1996-2009 Darren Hiebert
> Compiled: Jul 26 2009, 02:42:37
> Addresses: <>,
> Optional compiled features: +wildcards, +regex
> -bash-3.2$
> -bash-3.2$ vim --version
> VIM - Vi IMproved 7.3 (2010 Aug 15, compiled May 17 2012 11:09:33)
> Included patches: 1-487
> Compiled by <>
> Huge version without GUI. Features included (+) or not (-):
> +arabic +autocmd -balloon_eval -browse ++builtin_terms +byte_offset +cindent
> -clientserver -clipboard +cmdline_compl +cmdline_hist +cmdline_info +comments
> +conceal +cryptv +cscope +cursorbind +cursorshape +dialog_con +diff +digraphs
> -dnd -ebcdic +emacs_tags +eval +ex_extra +extra_search +farsi +file_in_path
> +find_in_path +float +folding -footer +fork() +gettext -hangul_input +iconv
> +insert_expand +jumplist +keymap +langmap +libcall +linebreak +lispindent
> +listcmds +localmap -lua +menu +mksession +modify_fname +mouse -mouseshape
> +mouse_dec +mouse_gpm -mouse_jsbterm +mouse_netterm -mouse_sysmouse
> +mouse_xterm +mouse_urxvt +multi_byte +multi_lang -mzscheme +netbeans_intg
> +path_extra +perl +persistent_undo +postscript +printer +profile +python
> -python3 +quickfix +reltime +rightleft -ruby +scrollbind +signs +smartindent
> -sniff +startuptime +statusline -sun_workshop +syntax +tag_binary
> +tag_old_static -tag_any_white +tcl +terminfo +termresponse +textobjects +title
> -toolbar +user_commands +vertsplit +virtualedit +visual +visualextra +viminfo
> +vreplace +wildignore +wildmenu +windows +writebackup -X11 -xfontset -xim -xsmp
> -xterm_clipboard -xterm_save
> system vimrc file: "$VIM/vimrc"
> user vimrc file: "$HOME/.vimrc"
> user exrc file: "$HOME/.exrc"
> fall-back for $VIM: "/tools/oss/packages/x86_64-rhel5/vim/7.3/share/vim"
> Compilation: gcc -c -I. -Iproto -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I/usr/brcm/oss/include -I/usr/brcm/oss/include -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 -I/usr/include -D_REENTRANT=1 -D_THREAD_SAFE=1 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE=1
> Linking: gcc -Wl,-E -L/usr/brcm/oss/lib64 -R/usr/brcm/oss/lib64 -L/usr/brcm/oss/lib -R/usr/brcm/oss/lib -L/usr/lib64 -R/usr/lib64 -L/usr/local/lib -Wl,--as-needed -o vim -lm -lelf -lnsl -lselinux -lncurses -lacl -lattr -lgpm -Wl,-E /tools/oss/packages/x86_64-rhel5/perl/5.8.8-64/lib/5.8.8/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/auto/DynaLoader/DynaLoader.a -L/tools/oss/packages/x86_64-rhel5/perl/5.8.8-64/lib/5.8.8/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/CORE -lperl -lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lpthread -lc -L/tools/oss/packages/x86_64-rhel5/python/default/lib/python2.7/config -lpython2.7 -lpthread -ldl -lutil -lm -Xlinker -export-dynamic -L/usr/lib -ltcl8.4 -ldl -lpthread -lm
> -bash-3.2$
> My tags file looks OK to me with the typedef and structure members, etc.
> omnicppcomplete must be working since as soon as I type ".", I get pattern not found (I don't even need to type C-x C-o).
> It is not the "typedef" that is causing me the problem because I have the same problem without it as well (struct mystruct { int a; int b; }; etc).
> Any idea how to debug this further? or what is wrong?
> Thanks

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OmniCppComplete plugin

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Re: Matching/Sorting line terminations

On 09/30/12 17:44, J.B. Lethbridge wrote:
> Dear TIm: Thank you very much. I've just been trying it out and I'm
> still quite breathless -- you've saved me so much grief with this
> brilliant generosity that I hardly know what to say. It works
> beautifully on python 2.6.6 (Debian). Also the results look even more
> informative than I had hoped. And I learned another batch of stuff
> about Linux; it is kind of you to include explanations, with that I
> can manage.

Glad to help, and glad you found it useful--consider it my small
karmic payment for maintaining personal disdain towards poetry[*] ;-)


[*] okay, so I have a minor exemption for *good* poetry like Shel
Silverstein, Lewis Carrol, corny limericks, etc ;-)

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RE: colorschemer release upload failure

richard emberson wrote:
> I am trying to upload the first release of what I call
> colorschemer
> ...
> Now, the file is a rather big file: 3.5M.
> Would that prevent me from uploading it?

I don't know about any technical limitations, but is a 3.5M
zip file really a Vim script? There are people who routinely
download new scripts and have a look at them from interest.
They will get a surprise when they find themselves looking
at an unzipped file of several megabytes.

If I understand the situation, your zip is a collection of all
colorscheme scripts from, with some tool for viewing
them? Similar ideas have been tried in the past, but I think
there are far too many colorschemes for anyone to evaluate.
That's particularly the case when many of them are merely a
minor variation on another scheme, and many are somewhat broken.

It might be more helpful for someone to do an evaluation for
what is good on a system of a certain type, and provide a
preview of, say, fifty of the best schemes. See the links at
the following for how that has been attempted:


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Re: Matching/Sorting line terminations

Dear TIm: Thank you very much. I've just been trying it out and I'm
still quite breathless -- you've saved me so much grief with this
brilliant generosity that I hardly know what to say. It works
beautifully on python 2.6.6 (Debian). Also the results look even more
informative than I had hoped. And I learned another batch of stuff
about Linux; it is kind of you to include explanations, with that I
can manage.

Thank you so much -- and thanks to all who joined in,


On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 10:20 PM, Tim Chase <> wrote:
> On 09/30/12 11:14, jbl wrote:
>> The problem is this: I have a large file of poetry in alphabetical
>> order sorted on the last term in each line, I post an except in
>> sample1 below. I want to sort it so that lines that share, say, the
>> last two terms (on the right) with the last two terms of any other
>> line are in one group, those lines that share the last three terms in
>> another and so on
> Well, a quick little Python script seems to do the grunt-work for me:
> ##############################
> import re
> r = re.compile(r'\w+')
> print ''.join(sorted(
> (line for line in file("raw.txt")),
> key=lambda s: tuple(reversed(r.findall(s)))
> ))
> ##############################
> That is case-sensitive. It's a small bit more if you want it
> case-insensitive:
> ##############################
> import re
> r = re.compile(r'\w+')
> print ''.join(sorted(
> (line for line in file("raw.txt")),
> key=lambda s: tuple(w.upper() for w in reversed(r.findall(s)))
> ))
> ##############################
>> and so on up to seven places. But it must be possible to generalize
>> that somehow.
> One of the tricky aspects of this is how you treat (or ignore)
> differing punctuation. If you want the same words, but allowing for
> varying punctuation, it's a lot more complex. That said, it sounded
> like a fun afternoon challenge, so I threw together & attached a
> quick program that accommodates all your options and
> case-insensitivity needs :-)
> It can be called on a pair of files, or you can pipe stdin and it
> will return on stdout in case you want to call it from Vim with
> :%! python
> to just operate on a sub-range of your file. Alternatively, from a
> command-line, you can use
> python infile.txt outfile.txt
> or, if you only want those where the last N words match, you can do
> things like
> python -w 3 infile.txt outfile.txt
> It was kinda fun, and hopefully the code is easy to follow. This
> does assume that you have Python installed on your machine. It was
> tested on 2.6, but should run on 2.4-2.7, and possibly on 3.x as well.
> -tim
> --
> You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
> Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.
> For more information, visit

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Re: OT: The so called "steep learning curve" of vim...

On 09/30/12 15:47, Tim Chase wrote:
> So the graphs would look something like...

As I pushed <send> I remembered stumbling across[1] with rather
similar graphs.



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Re: why is it so difficult to start using vim (may be just for me).

On 11:33 Thu 27 Sep , David Ohlemacher wrote:
> Vim is easy to use, but not easy to learn.
> The trick for me, beyond the basics which I had known for eons, was to
> create my own cheat sheets. I use tomboy notes. I think it much less
> useful to download a cheat sheet. Making your own will start you on
> your way to remembering. I keep several, but do what makes sense for you:
> * vim command line options, plugins
> * folding, movement, editing
> * searching, regex, other
> * sessions, windows, buffers, tabs
> One does not really learn vim. Instead one trains one's finger to
> 'know', i.e. it is all muscle memory. I have been asked how to do
> something and found I was not been able to reply with the answer until I
> put my fingers on the keyboard.
> As my fingers learn the commands, I remove commands from my cheat sheet
> and add new ones. Go slow. Train your fingers with commands before
> adding too many. Six mo. ago, I added some of the folding commands. I
> was writing more in python and my old ways of navigating did not work
> with python's scoping. Now I LOVE syntax folding.
> But start with the tutor as other have said. I didn't do this for cheat
> sheets, but it might help you write your first ones.
> ** After the tutor, learn the structure of commands. This is excellent:
> My latest command added?
> * :r !<cmd> // Saw this one on this list. Thanks list!
> o This runs the command and writes its output in your buffer.
> Very handy to get a svn diff into a window next to the file just
> diffed.
> -d
> --
> David Ohlemacher
> Principle Software Engineer
> Scientific Solutions Inc.
> 99 Perimeter Rd Nashua New Hampshire 03063
> 603-880-3784
> . o .
> . . o
> o o o
> --
> You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
> Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.
> For more information, visit

I stumbled on this blog post:


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Re: Change colour of cursor and matching bracket

Dominique Pelle wrote:

> Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> > Erik Christiansen wrote:
> >
> >> On 30.09.12 11:12, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> >> > Where in the fine manual is it mentioned how to change the colour of
> >> > the cursor and the colour of the matching parenthesis / bracket for
> >> > all file types? I have tried ":h cursor color" and several other
> >> > phrases, the only relevant one that I found it "h color" which did not
> >> > lead me to the answer. I have tried "highlight MatchParen cterm=bold
> >> > ctermfg=red ctermbg=blue" but this did not change the colour of the
> >> > matching parenthesis or bracket.
> >>
> >> For the cursor, I just set the initial colour in the xterm:
> >>
> >> col='-fg yellow -bg darkslategrey -cr red' # Colours
> >> /usr/bin/xterm $col # and lots more options.
> >>
> >> In Vim, I then only change the cursor colour to indicate whether we're
> >> in insert mode or not, without having to look down at the status bar:
> >>
> >> " Cursor Appearance: (Insert_Mode == Green, Normal_Mode == Red)
> >> if &term =~ "xterm"
> >> let &t_SI = "\<Esc>]12;green\x7"
> >> let &t_EI = "\<Esc>]12;red\x7"
> >> endif
> >>
> >> But the method could be used in other contexts, I guess.
> >>
> >> As regards MatchParen colouring, I've only made sure that is turned
> >> off, since it drove me nuts when I tried it. The bouncing cursor is more
> >> than enough.
> >
> > I also use a different cursor color for Insert mode. It's nice, but
> > recently it has started to cause terminal window flicker. I asked
> > Thomas Dickey and he blames Ubuntu Compiz. I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 and
> > an automatic update about a month ago started the problem. It first
> > happened after a reboot, one of the updates before that must have caused
> > it.
> >
> > Still don't know how to fix it. It gets a bit annoying. Searching for
> > Ubuntu screen flicker has many hits, but I haven't spotted the right one
> > yet.
> I also use different colors for the cursor in insert mode
> vs normal mode with xubuntu-12.04 (with all updates)
> and I have not noticed any flicker. Perhaps you can
> try whether installing xfce solves your flicker issue:
> 1/ sudo apt-get update
> 2/ sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop
> 3/ Log out.
> 4/ Select xfce to login
> I remember having very slow refresh and flicker
> in vim a long time ago, and solved it at the time
> by installing the latest Nvidia driver.

I'm using ATI/AMD. I tried installing their proprietery driver.
Resulted in my desktop being 640 x 480 :-( Then running the
display manager to change the resulution has the OK button off-screen.
AAAaaaargggg! Managed to hit it by pressing Tab the right number of

Well, the flicker is less, it's just so short now that it is hardly
noticeable. But the flicker is still there.

Sorry, no fortune today.

/// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\ an exciting new programming language -- ///
\\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///

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Re: Prolog filetype problem

On Sunday, September 30, 2012 4:07:41 PM UTC-5, Gautier DI FOLCO wrote:
> Hi all,
> I write some code in Prolog and some code in Perl, the problem is that these
> two languages have the same extension, is their a mean to set the good
> filetype not according to their extension, but according to the language
> highlighting that find the most tokens?

It looks like Vim will automatically detect prolog rather than Perl if the first non-blank line contains any of:

1. the word "prolog"
2. a prolog comment, % or /* ... */
3. the prolog :- construct

Otherwise, Vim detects Perl. So for existing files, just get into the habit of starting the file with a header comment and you'll be fine.

I guess new files will always detect as Perl, but there's really not any way I can think of for Vim to detect in a general way what filetype a brand-new empty file should be. You could set up some BufNewFile autocmds based on project directory or something if you like for this.

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Re: Change colour of cursor and matching bracket

On Sunday, September 30, 2012 4:12:21 AM UTC-5, dotancohen wrote:
> Where in the fine manual is it mentioned how to change the colour of
> the cursor and the colour of the matching parenthesis / bracket for
> all file types?

:he hl-Cursor
:he hl-MatchParen

> I have tried ":h cursor color" and several other
> phrases, the only relevant one that I found it "h color" which did not
> lead me to the answer. I have tried "highlight MatchParen cterm=bold
> ctermfg=red ctermbg=blue" but this did not change the colour of the
> matching parenthesis or bracket.

This should have worked, assuming you're using Vim in a terminal and not gvim. For gvim you'd need guifg and guibg highlights. See :help :highlight, :help highlight-args, and the following text for details on the command.

> It seems that no matter what I define in .vimrc, VIM still uses the
> reverse colours of the item (swap background and foreground) for the
> cursor

You don't mention specifically what you tried, but the default cursor highlight (at least for my gvim install on Lubuntu) is guibg=fg guifg=bg, which would indeed reverse the color, so this makes sense if nothing you tried actually was correct. So what DID you try, if you can't get it working with a "hi Cursor ..." command?

> and a cyan background for the matching parenthesis / bracket.

You used ctermfg and ctermbg, so I'll assume you're using a terminal (and a color one at that). Do the numbers (instead of the names) in :help cterm-colors work any better?

What does :verbose hi Cursor and :verbose hi MatchParen show you? Perhaps the :hi command in your .vimrc is being overwritten later by a colorscheme command or something.

Do :hi commands for other items work? Do you get colorful and customizable syntax highlighting, for example? Perhaps your terminal is misconfigured so that Vim doesn't realize it's a color terminal. I won't be much help in that regard, but I know you can cheat within Vim by setting t_Co and some other terminal codes. Do a :helpgrep t_Co and browse the list of hits for details. Or search the wiki:

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Prolog filetype problem

Hi all,

I write some code in Prolog and some code in Perl, the problem is that these
two languages have the same extension, is their a mean to set the good
filetype not according to their extension, but according to the language
highlighting that find the most tokens?

For your help,
In advance,

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Re: OT: The so called "steep learning curve" of vim...

On 09/30/12 08:37, wrote:
> it is often said, taht certain software has a "steep learning curve".
> Vi/vim is such an example for the use of this phrase...
> I would take the time as measure for the x-axis and the amount
> of stuff I have learned about -- for example -- vim as a measure
> for the y-axis..
> Or...what do I misinterpret here? ;)

I think the misinterpretation is that the x-axis should be labeled
"effort learning new stuff over time", not just "time"; and the
y-axis would be "productivity".

A "shallow" learning curve would then mean that, with minimal
effort, one achieves some corresponding level of productivity.

With Vim, the average user that hasn't gone through basic training
(vimtutor, reading man pages, etc) is usually pretty lost with
things as basic as quitting. So the graphs would look something like

Nano, other "easy" editors
t| . . Maxiumum editor capability . . . . . . .************
i| ****************
v| ****************
i| ********
t| ****
| Effort over time --->

i| . . Maxiumum editor capability . . . . . . . . . . . . .
t| ****
| Effort over time --->

P| **
r| **
o| **
d| *
u| *
c| *
t| *
i| *
v| * <-- the infamous steep curve
i| *
t| *
y| ***** <-- time spent learning before you can do anything
| Effort over time --->

P| **
r| **
o| **
d| **
u| **
c| **
t| **
i| **
v| **
i| **
t| **
| Effort over time --->


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Re: Matching/Sorting line terminations

#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
from sys import stdin, stdout, stderr, exit
from optparse import OptionParser
word_re = re.compile(r'\w+')

parser = OptionParser(
usage="%prog [options] [infile [outfile]]",
parser.add_option("-i", "--ignore-case",
help="Ignore case",
parser.add_option("-w", "--words",
help="Number of words to require as the same",

options, args = parser.parse_args()

if args:
infile = file(args.pop(0))
infile = stdin

if args:
outfile = file(args.pop(0))
outfile = stdout

lines = {} #{reverse-sorted-words: [original-lines]}
for line in infile:
key = reversed(word_re.findall(line))
if options.ignore_case:
key = (s.upper() for s in key)
key = tuple(key)
if options.words:
key = key[:options.words]
if key in lines:
lines[key] = [line]

items = lines.items()
for key, lines in items:
if len(lines) > 1 or not options.words:
for line in lines:
On 09/30/12 11:14, jbl wrote:
> The problem is this: I have a large file of poetry in alphabetical
> order sorted on the last term in each line, I post an except in
> sample1 below. I want to sort it so that lines that share, say, the
> last two terms (on the right) with the last two terms of any other
> line are in one group, those lines that share the last three terms in
> another and so on

Well, a quick little Python script seems to do the grunt-work for me:

import re
r = re.compile(r'\w+')
print ''.join(sorted(
(line for line in file("raw.txt")),
key=lambda s: tuple(reversed(r.findall(s)))

That is case-sensitive. It's a small bit more if you want it

import re
r = re.compile(r'\w+')
print ''.join(sorted(
(line for line in file("raw.txt")),
key=lambda s: tuple(w.upper() for w in reversed(r.findall(s)))

> and so on up to seven places. But it must be possible to generalize
> that somehow.

One of the tricky aspects of this is how you treat (or ignore)
differing punctuation. If you want the same words, but allowing for
varying punctuation, it's a lot more complex. That said, it sounded
like a fun afternoon challenge, so I threw together & attached a
quick program that accommodates all your options and
case-insensitivity needs :-)

It can be called on a pair of files, or you can pipe stdin and it
will return on stdout in case you want to call it from Vim with

:%! python

to just operate on a sub-range of your file. Alternatively, from a
command-line, you can use

python infile.txt outfile.txt

or, if you only want those where the last N words match, you can do
things like

python -w 3 infile.txt outfile.txt

It was kinda fun, and hopefully the code is easy to follow. This
does assume that you have Python installed on your machine. It was
tested on 2.6, but should run on 2.4-2.7, and possibly on 3.x as well.


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colorschemer release upload failure

I am trying to upload the first release of what I call colorschemer
Right now there is an empty, placeholder
file at

This is based on my Forms library and lets one toggle through
color schemes and file-types. See images at:

It also has a collection of some 687 third-party color schemes
I scrapped off of (as well as what I call 'distilled'
versions of those color schemes).

The problem I am having is that every time I attempt to do an upload
I get the following error message: is empty, are you sure you specified the correct path?

Now, the file is a rather big file: 3.5M.
Would that prevent me from uploading it?

Bram has told me earlier today:
Maximum file size is 10 Mbyte. But perhaps there is another limit
the way. And perhaps there really is something wrong with the file
name? Check upper/lower case differences.

My current thinking is that my home upload connection speed is to too
slow, so the Vim server times-out and truncates my file to zero length.
If I do not receive a solution soon I will break the utility into
three or four parts, create separate "scripts" for each and upload
the pieces. Users will be forced to perform
multiple downloads to get the utility and its associated data files.

Does anyone have any suggestions which will help me figure
out what is wrong? Thanks.


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

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Re: Flattr for donations?

On 09/30/2012 04:42 PM, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Flattr seems to be about small amounts. Thus it requires a lot of
> people to join and click on buttons before it's worth the effort.
> Any idea how many money goes around through Flattr?
> - Bram

Well, I've dug up some numbers. Maybe I should have done that before I
wrote the first time. I'll cite the figures anyway in case they are
useful to somebody.

The stats were shared by some German blogs in 2010. Not much data
otherwise, since Flattr is perfect for bloggers and has especially
strong user base in Germany.

An average transaction seems to be around 0.21 Euro. On the Flattr
website, an above-average piece of software has upwards of 300 clicks in
total. So yeah, the numbers are not impressive.

My raw numbers are as follows, mostly per some month in 2010:
carta: 773 clicks / 201.22 Euros 2256 / 576.53 5590 / 988.50 1186 / 344.71 1489 / 208.54 247 / 77.19 430 / 110.94

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Re: OT: The so called "steep learning curve" of vim...

On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 1:21 PM, <> wrote:
Gerald Klein <> [12-09-30 20:00]:
> I think I got that? I myself have found that any software that does to much
> for you give you less choice, the more it takes to learn the better the
> prize at the end (more control).
> Yes?
> On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 8:37 AM, <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > it is often said, taht certain software has a "steep learning curve".
> > Vi/vim is such an example for the use of this phrase...
> >
> > I was thinking of this phrase and the graph I would draw if I had
> > to show an example for such a "steep learning curve"...
> >
> > I would take the time as measure for the x-axis and the amount
> > of stuff I have learned about -- for example -- vim as a measure
> > for the y-axis..
> > Then I would draw that "steep learning curve" as an graph
> > which goes -- say -- from 0,0 to 5,30.
> >
> > And watching this graph I would read it as
> > "Using vim give one a great amount of knowledge in a very short time."
> >
> > So....why so many take this as a point of critic???
> >
> > Using software which a needs a lot of time to learn
> > much lesser ... that is the problem I think...!
> >
> > Or...what do I misinterpret here? ;)
> >
> > Best regards,
> > mcc
> >
> >
> > --
> > You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
> > Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.
> > For more information, visit
> >
> --
> Gerald Klein DBA****
> <>****
> 708-599-0352****
> Arch Awesome, Ranger & Vim the coding triple threat.
> Linux registered user #548580
> --
> You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
> Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.
> For more information, visit

Hi Gerald,



You are abolutely right!

After years of computer experience I myself hate to be handled as a
totally newbie by certain operating system and certain software, which
in turn claimed to be "useable by intuition".
In this context "intuition" means "without the control of my mind".

That said I am happy that there is software like vim which appeals to my
mind instead to my intuition.


Keep hacking!

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Never got pinged before for top posting (or I didn't notice it) 

That said, All Hail 

Awesome, Ranger and VIM

Gerald Klein DBA


Arch Awesome, Ranger & Vim the coding triple threat.

Linux registered user #548580 

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Re: Matching/Sorting line terminations

Hi. Thanks. Here is a better sample of the raw lines file sorted as
you suggest. This is the form I generated ages ago to work on these
repetitions, and which I am now trying to sort again into groups
repeating the last two terms, last three terms ... and so on. You can
see that the repetitions of two and three terms and non-repetitions
are all mixed up together:

FQ And did his head for bashfulnesse abase
FQ The armes he bore, his speare he gan abase
FQ He stayd his second strooke, and did his hand abase
FQ But through misfortune, which did me abase
FQ With that she turn'd her head, as halfe abashed
FQ All these our ioyes, and all our blisse abate
FQ With sufferaunce soft, which rigour can abate
FQ Quoth she, his princely puissance doth abate
FQ That at the last his fiercenesse gan abate
FQ That her inburning wrath she gan abate
FQ Ne ought your burning fury mote abate
FQ Mote not mislike you also to abate
FQ And both full liefe his boasting to abate
FQ Him selfe he bent their furies to abate
FQ Which when for want of breath gan to abate
FQ His daintie corse, proud humors to abate
FQ Which when as \Zele\ perceiued to abate
FQ To graunt her boone, and rigour to abate
FQ And th'=others pleasing seruice to abate
FQ So did the Faerie knight himselfe abeare
FQ Thus did the gentle knight himselfe abeare
FQ The meede of thy mischalenge and abet
FQ To reskue him, and his weake part abet

I think the command you suggest sorts only on the last term of the
line. In this sample I have sorted by first reversing the order of
words in the line and then sorting and again reversing the order of
words. Pretty much as suggested just now by someone else.



On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 8:17 PM, Bee <> wrote:
> On Sep 30, 9:14 am, jbl <> wrote:
>> The problem is this: I have a large file of poetry in
>> alphabetical order sorted on the last term in each line,
> This will sort the lines by the last term:
> sort ir /\w\+$/
> :help :sort
> Bill
> --
> You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
> Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.
> For more information, visit

J.B. Lethbridge
(Gen. Ed. The Manchester Spenser)
English Seminar
Tuebingen University
WIlhelmstrasse 50
72074 Germany

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Re: OT: The so called "steep learning curve" of vim...

Gerald Klein <> [12-09-30 20:00]:
> I think I got that? I myself have found that any software that does to much
> for you give you less choice, the more it takes to learn the better the
> prize at the end (more control).
> Yes?
> On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 8:37 AM, <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > it is often said, taht certain software has a "steep learning curve".
> > Vi/vim is such an example for the use of this phrase...
> >
> > I was thinking of this phrase and the graph I would draw if I had
> > to show an example for such a "steep learning curve"...
> >
> > I would take the time as measure for the x-axis and the amount
> > of stuff I have learned about -- for example -- vim as a measure
> > for the y-axis..
> > Then I would draw that "steep learning curve" as an graph
> > which goes -- say -- from 0,0 to 5,30.
> >
> > And watching this graph I would read it as
> > "Using vim give one a great amount of knowledge in a very short time."
> >
> > So....why so many take this as a point of critic???
> >
> > Using software which a needs a lot of time to learn
> > much lesser ... that is the problem I think...!
> >
> > Or...what do I misinterpret here? ;)
> >
> > Best regards,
> > mcc
> >
> >
> > --
> > You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
> > Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.
> > For more information, visit
> >
> --
> Gerald Klein DBA****
> <>****
> 708-599-0352****
> Arch Awesome, Ranger & Vim the coding triple threat.
> Linux registered user #548580
> --
> You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
> Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.
> For more information, visit

Hi Gerald,



You are abolutely right!

After years of computer experience I myself hate to be handled as a
totally newbie by certain operating system and certain software, which
in turn claimed to be "useable by intuition".
In this context "intuition" means "without the control of my mind".

That said I am happy that there is software like vim which appeals to my
mind instead to my intuition.


Keep hacking!

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Re: Matching/Sorting line terminations

Thanks -- the lines are in English 400 years old, hence the eccentric spelling.

The sorting you suggest is just what produced the first list, the raw
file: it is mixed up with lines without repetitions, and those
repetitions that occur are not ordered: so that in the whole file you
might find two repetitions here and three there, with a six between
them, and odd single lines getting in the way. Over 33,000 lines, this
becomes impossible to manage by hand.

'his', 'her' etc are not related or linked: they are different terms
and do not count as repetitions.

In the first group (repeating two terms) there are three separate
groups of terminations: 'to abate', 'gan abate' and 'by might'.

In the next group (repeating three terms) I accidentally left out the
second line in each case -- again there are supposed to be three
different pairs. And in the six repeating terms group, I missed out
the first line of the group.

Sorry for the missing lines, and thanks for your comments,


On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 7:20 PM, Tony Mechelynck
<> wrote:
> On 30/09/12 18:14, jbl wrote:
>> Hi: The first difficulty with the problem I describe below is that I
>> don't know what the key terms would be to search Google accurately. I
>> have searched for a long time already. So if anyone could even tell me
>> what it is I am looking for I'd be very grateful.
>> The problem is this: I have a large file of poetry in alphabetical
>> order sorted on the last term in each line, I post an except in
>> sample1 below. I want to sort it so that lines that share, say, the
>> last two terms (on the right) with the last two terms of any other
>> line are in one group, those lines that share the last three terms in
>> another and so on up to seven places -- as in sample2 below.
>> The first difficulty I have is getting the search terms into an :ex
>> command -- I need to find for each line whether there are any others
>> that match it to seven terminal places, then to six and so on. I could
>> do the simple locating with something cumbersome like this:
>> map ö $BB2yW: p0ig/ A$/m0 map ä $ByW: p0ig/ A$/m0
>> and so on up to seven places. But it must be possible to generalize
>> that somehow. What would be the general form of an expression for
>> finding the last 'x' words of a line in the same position somewhere
>> else in the file?
>> Apart from the crudeness of the operation, the trouble would be
>> exporting (redirecting?) the results automatically and keeping the
>> exported results in order (as in sample2 below). And also how to
>> iterate it usefully through the whole file.
>> If I started at the top of the raw file, iterating something like
>> these commands, checking each line and exporting the results to a
>> single file, the resulting file would be identical to the original
>> file. I need, I think, to be able to eliminate those lines which do
>> not share any terminations with any other lines. I think starting
>> (somehow) with seven places then six and down to two, would leave me
>> the non-sharing lines by themselves in the original file(?).
>> But I'm not even sure what the strategic logic should be: exactly what
>> tasks should I be trying to get the program to perform? The process
>> needs to be automated because the file is 33,000 lines long. As I say,
>> if someone could tell me what key terms, what types of operations, I
>> should be looking for on Google, it would help a great deal.
>> Many thanks for any help, JBL
>> Vim 7.x Debian/Win7
>> Here are the samples, one before (from the raw file) and one after (as
>> I'd like the whole thing organized).
>> Raw Lines
>> All these our ioyes and all our blisse abate
>> And after them did driue with all her power and might
>> And both full liefe his boasting to abate
>> And layd at him amaine with all his will and might
>> At once did heaue with all their powre and might
>> But through misfortune which did me abase
>> Did set vpon those troupes with all his powre and might
>> For deare affection and vnfayned zeale
>> For hardy thing it is to weene by might
>> He her vnwares attacht and captiue held by might
>> He spide come pricking on with al his powre and might
>> He stayd his second strooke and did his hand abase
>> Mote not mislike you also to abate
>> Ne ought your burning fury mote abate
>> No magicke arts hereof had any might
>> She at her ran with all her force and might
>> She cast to bring him where he chearen might
>> That at the last his fiercenesse gan abate
>> That her inburning wrath she gan abate
>> That hill they scale with all their powre and might
>> The armes he bore his speare he gan abase
>> To all assayes; his name was called Zele
>> To serue that Queene with all my powre and might
>> When suddenly that warriour gan abace
>> Where he him found despoyling all with maine and might
>> With greatest honour he atchieuen might
>> With sufferaunce soft which rigour can abate
>> With that she turn'd her head as halfe abashed
>> Sorted lines
>> ---Lines not repeating final term (=Unique lines):
>> FQ When suddenly that warriour gan abace
>> FQ With that she turn'd her head as halfe abashed
>> FQ For deare affection and vnfayned zeale
>> FQ To all assayes; his name was called Zele
>> ---Lines repeating final term only:
>> FQ But through misfortune which did me abase
>> FQ He stayd his second strooke and did his hand abase
>> FQ The armes he bore his speare he gan abase
>> FQ Ne ought your burning fury mote abate
>> FQ With sufferaunce soft which rigour can abate
>> FQ All these our ioyes and all our blisse abate
>> FQ No magicke arts hereof had any might
>> FQ She cast to bring him where he chearen might
>> FQ With greatest honour he atchieuen might
>> FQ And layd at him amaine with all his will and might
> abase == abate == might? I guess I'm too stupid.
>> ---Lines repeating final two terms:
>> FQ And both full liefe his boasting to abate
>> FQ Mote not mislike you also to abate
>> FQ That her inburning wrath she gan abate
>> FQ That at the last his fiercenesse gan abate
>> FQ For hardy thing it is to weene by might
>> FQ He her vnwares attacht and captiue held by might
>> ---Lines repeating final three terms:
>> FQ She at her ran with all her force and might
>> FQ Where he him found despoyling all with maine and might
>> FQ To serue that Queene with all my powre and might
> force == maine == powre (sic) ? You will have to explain me that
>> ........
>> ---Lines repeating final six terms:
>> FQ And after them did driue with all her power and might
>> FQ Did set vpon those troupes with all his powre and might
>> FQ He spide come pricking on with all his powre and might
>> FQ That hill they scale with all their powre and might
>> FQ At once did heaue with all their powre and might
> I suppose "powre" is four times a typo.
> her == his == their? Or are there three different sets of lines, one of them
> a singleton?
> This sounds like a "decorate - sort - undecorate" problem:
> 1. Put each line into "sortable" order (in this case, reverse the order of
> the terms, so that the last term comes at the start of the line, then one
> space, then the last but one, then one space, etc.);
> 2. Sort
> 3. Put the lines back like they used to be (i.e., reverse the order of the
> terms again).
> Note that no "dumb" computer will be able to find out that "his", "her" and
> "their" are to be sorted together, unless you somehow program it into the
> logic of your steps 1 and 3.
> Best regards,
> Tony.
> --
> "I'd love to go out with you, but I'm taking punk totem pole carving."
> --
> You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
> Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.
> For more information, visit

J.B. Lethbridge
(Gen. Ed. The Manchester Spenser)
English Seminar
Tuebingen University
WIlhelmstrasse 50
72074 Germany

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Re: Matching/Sorting line terminations

On Sep 30, 9:14 am, jbl <> wrote:
> The problem is this: I have a large file of poetry in
> alphabetical order sorted on the last term in each line,

This will sort the lines by the last term:

sort ir /\w\+$/

:help :sort


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Re: OT: The so called "steep learning curve" of vim...

I think I got that? I myself have found that any software that does to much for you give you less choice, the more it takes to learn the better the prize at the end (more control).


On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 8:37 AM, <> wrote:

it is often said, taht certain software has a "steep learning curve".
Vi/vim is such an example for the use of this phrase...

I was thinking of this phrase and the graph I would draw if I had
to show an example for such a "steep learning curve"...

I would take the time as measure for the x-axis and the amount
of stuff I have learned about -- for example -- vim as a measure
for the y-axis..
Then I would draw that "steep learning curve" as an graph
which goes -- say -- from 0,0 to 5,30.

And watching this graph I would read it as
"Using vim give one a great amount of knowledge in a very short time."

So....why so many take this as a point of critic???

Using software which a needs a lot of time to learn
much lesser ... that is the problem I think...!

Or...what do I misinterpret here? ;)

Best regards,

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Gerald Klein DBA


Arch Awesome, Ranger & Vim the coding triple threat.

Linux registered user #548580 

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Re: Matching/Sorting line terminations

On 30/09/12 18:14, jbl wrote:
> Hi: The first difficulty with the problem I describe below is that I
> don't know what the key terms would be to search Google accurately. I
> have searched for a long time already. So if anyone could even tell me
> what it is I am looking for I'd be very grateful.
> The problem is this: I have a large file of poetry in alphabetical
> order sorted on the last term in each line, I post an except in
> sample1 below. I want to sort it so that lines that share, say, the
> last two terms (on the right) with the last two terms of any other
> line are in one group, those lines that share the last three terms in
> another and so on up to seven places -- as in sample2 below.
> The first difficulty I have is getting the search terms into an :ex
> command -- I need to find for each line whether there are any others
> that match it to seven terminal places, then to six and so on. I could
> do the simple locating with something cumbersome like this:
> map ö $BB2yW: p0ig/ A$/m0 map ä $ByW: p0ig/ A$/m0
> and so on up to seven places. But it must be possible to generalize
> that somehow. What would be the general form of an expression for
> finding the last 'x' words of a line in the same position somewhere
> else in the file?
> Apart from the crudeness of the operation, the trouble would be
> exporting (redirecting?) the results automatically and keeping the
> exported results in order (as in sample2 below). And also how to
> iterate it usefully through the whole file.
> If I started at the top of the raw file, iterating something like
> these commands, checking each line and exporting the results to a
> single file, the resulting file would be identical to the original
> file. I need, I think, to be able to eliminate those lines which do
> not share any terminations with any other lines. I think starting
> (somehow) with seven places then six and down to two, would leave me
> the non-sharing lines by themselves in the original file(?).
> But I'm not even sure what the strategic logic should be: exactly what
> tasks should I be trying to get the program to perform? The process
> needs to be automated because the file is 33,000 lines long. As I say,
> if someone could tell me what key terms, what types of operations, I
> should be looking for on Google, it would help a great deal.
> Many thanks for any help, JBL
> Vim 7.x Debian/Win7
> Here are the samples, one before (from the raw file) and one after (as
> I'd like the whole thing organized).
> Raw Lines
> All these our ioyes and all our blisse abate
> And after them did driue with all her power and might
> And both full liefe his boasting to abate
> And layd at him amaine with all his will and might
> At once did heaue with all their powre and might
> But through misfortune which did me abase
> Did set vpon those troupes with all his powre and might
> For deare affection and vnfayned zeale
> For hardy thing it is to weene by might
> He her vnwares attacht and captiue held by might
> He spide come pricking on with al his powre and might
> He stayd his second strooke and did his hand abase
> Mote not mislike you also to abate
> Ne ought your burning fury mote abate
> No magicke arts hereof had any might
> She at her ran with all her force and might
> She cast to bring him where he chearen might
> That at the last his fiercenesse gan abate
> That her inburning wrath she gan abate
> That hill they scale with all their powre and might
> The armes he bore his speare he gan abase
> To all assayes; his name was called Zele
> To serue that Queene with all my powre and might
> When suddenly that warriour gan abace
> Where he him found despoyling all with maine and might
> With greatest honour he atchieuen might
> With sufferaunce soft which rigour can abate
> With that she turn'd her head as halfe abashed
> Sorted lines
> ---Lines not repeating final term (=Unique lines):
> FQ When suddenly that warriour gan abace
> FQ With that she turn'd her head as halfe abashed
> FQ For deare affection and vnfayned zeale
> FQ To all assayes; his name was called Zele
> ---Lines repeating final term only:
> FQ But through misfortune which did me abase
> FQ He stayd his second strooke and did his hand abase
> FQ The armes he bore his speare he gan abase
> FQ Ne ought your burning fury mote abate
> FQ With sufferaunce soft which rigour can abate
> FQ All these our ioyes and all our blisse abate
> FQ No magicke arts hereof had any might
> FQ She cast to bring him where he chearen might
> FQ With greatest honour he atchieuen might
> FQ And layd at him amaine with all his will and might
abase == abate == might? I guess I'm too stupid.
> ---Lines repeating final two terms:
> FQ And both full liefe his boasting to abate
> FQ Mote not mislike you also to abate
> FQ That her inburning wrath she gan abate
> FQ That at the last his fiercenesse gan abate
> FQ For hardy thing it is to weene by might
> FQ He her vnwares attacht and captiue held by might
> ---Lines repeating final three terms:
> FQ She at her ran with all her force and might
> FQ Where he him found despoyling all with maine and might
> FQ To serue that Queene with all my powre and might
force == maine == powre (sic) ? You will have to explain me that

> ........
> ---Lines repeating final six terms:
> FQ And after them did driue with all her power and might
> FQ Did set vpon those troupes with all his powre and might
> FQ He spide come pricking on with all his powre and might
> FQ That hill they scale with all their powre and might
> FQ At once did heaue with all their powre and might
I suppose "powre" is four times a typo.
her == his == their? Or are there three different sets of lines, one of
them a singleton?


This sounds like a "decorate - sort - undecorate" problem:
1. Put each line into "sortable" order (in this case, reverse the order
of the terms, so that the last term comes at the start of the line, then
one space, then the last but one, then one space, etc.);
2. Sort
3. Put the lines back like they used to be (i.e., reverse the order of
the terms again).

Note that no "dumb" computer will be able to find out that "his", "her"
and "their" are to be sorted together, unless you somehow program it
into the logic of your steps 1 and 3.

Best regards,
"I'd love to go out with you, but I'm taking punk totem pole carving."

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Matching/Sorting line terminations

Hi: The first difficulty with the problem I describe below is that I
don't know what the key terms would be to search Google accurately. I
have searched for a long time already. So if anyone could even tell me
what it is I am looking for I'd be very grateful.

The problem is this: I have a large file of poetry in alphabetical
order sorted on the last term in each line, I post an except in
sample1 below. I want to sort it so that lines that share, say, the
last two terms (on the right) with the last two terms of any other
line are in one group, those lines that share the last three terms in
another and so on up to seven places -- as in sample2 below.

The first difficulty I have is getting the search terms into an :ex
command -- I need to find for each line whether there are any others
that match it to seven terminal places, then to six and so on. I could
do the simple locating with something cumbersome like this:

map ö $BB2yW: p0ig/ A$/m0 map ä $ByW: p0ig/ A$/m0

and so on up to seven places. But it must be possible to generalize
that somehow. What would be the general form of an expression for
finding the last 'x' words of a line in the same position somewhere
else in the file?

Apart from the crudeness of the operation, the trouble would be
exporting (redirecting?) the results automatically and keeping the
exported results in order (as in sample2 below). And also how to
iterate it usefully through the whole file.

If I started at the top of the raw file, iterating something like
these commands, checking each line and exporting the results to a
single file, the resulting file would be identical to the original
file. I need, I think, to be able to eliminate those lines which do
not share any terminations with any other lines. I think starting
(somehow) with seven places then six and down to two, would leave me
the non-sharing lines by themselves in the original file(?).

But I'm not even sure what the strategic logic should be: exactly what
tasks should I be trying to get the program to perform? The process
needs to be automated because the file is 33,000 lines long. As I say,
if someone could tell me what key terms, what types of operations, I
should be looking for on Google, it would help a great deal.

Many thanks for any help, JBL
Vim 7.x Debian/Win7

Here are the samples, one before (from the raw file) and one after (as
I'd like the whole thing organized).

Raw Lines All these our ioyes and all our blisse abate And after them did driue with all her power and might And both full liefe his boasting to abate And layd at him amaine with all his will and might At once did heaue with all their powre and might But through misfortune which did me abase Did set vpon those troupes with all his powre and might For deare affection and vnfayned zeale For hardy thing it is to weene by might He her vnwares attacht and captiue held by might He spide come pricking on with al his powre and might He stayd his second strooke and did his hand abase Mote not mislike you also to abate Ne ought your burning fury mote abate No magicke arts hereof had any might She at her ran with all her force and might She cast to bring him where he chearen might That at the last his fiercenesse gan abate That her inburning wrath she gan abate That hill they scale with all their powre and might The armes he bore his speare he gan abase To all assayes; his name was called Zele To serue that Queene with all my powre and might When suddenly that warriour gan abace Where he him found despoyling all with maine and might With greatest honour he atchieuen might With sufferaunce soft which rigour can abate With that she turn'd her head as halfe abashed

Sorted lines
---Lines not repeating final term (=Unique lines):
FQ When suddenly that warriour gan abace
FQ With that she turn'd her head as halfe abashed
FQ For deare affection and vnfayned zeale
FQ To all assayes; his name was called Zele

---Lines repeating final term only:
FQ But through misfortune which did me abase
FQ He stayd his second strooke and did his hand abase
FQ The armes he bore his speare he gan abase
FQ Ne ought your burning fury mote abate
FQ With sufferaunce soft which rigour can abate
FQ All these our ioyes and all our blisse abate
FQ No magicke arts hereof had any might
FQ She cast to bring him where he chearen might
FQ With greatest honour he atchieuen might
FQ And layd at him amaine with all his will and might

---Lines repeating final two terms:
FQ And both full liefe his boasting to abate
FQ Mote not mislike you also to abate
FQ That her inburning wrath she gan abate
FQ That at the last his fiercenesse gan abate
FQ For hardy thing it is to weene by might
FQ He her vnwares attacht and captiue held by might

---Lines repeating final three terms:
FQ She at her ran with all her force and might
FQ Where he him found despoyling all with maine and might
FQ To serue that Queene with all my powre and might

---Lines repeating final six terms:
FQ And after them did driue with all her power and might
FQ Did set vpon those troupes with all his powre and might
FQ He spide come pricking on with all his powre and might
FQ That hill they scale with all their powre and might
FQ At once did heaue with all their powre and might

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Re: OT: The so called "steep learning curve" of vim...

On 30/09/12 15:37, wrote:
> Hi,
> it is often said, taht certain software has a "steep learning curve".
> Vi/vim is such an example for the use of this phrase...
> I was thinking of this phrase and the graph I would draw if I had
> to show an example for such a "steep learning curve"...
> I would take the time as measure for the x-axis and the amount
> of stuff I have learned about -- for example -- vim as a measure
> for the y-axis..
> Then I would draw that "steep learning curve" as an graph
> which goes -- say -- from 0,0 to 5,30.
> And watching this graph I would read it as
> "Using vim give one a great amount of knowledge in a very short time."
> So....why so many take this as a point of critic???
> Using software which a needs a lot of time to learn
> much lesser ... that is the problem I think...!
> Or...what do I misinterpret here? ;)
> Best regards,
> mcc

A "steep" curve is meant to make you visualise climbing a mountainside,
where every step is an arduous effort. In that respect I would say (but
it is my private opinion) that Emacs, not Vim, has a steep learning
curve. Try as I may, even after finding how to do a certain thing with
Emacs, the next time I need the same command I have to look it up again.
And again. And again.

IOW, I'd suppose the y-axis is meant to represent the required effort,
and the x-axis what you have learnt: if the curve is steep, you need a
lot of effort to learn just the next single little thing.

With Vim, my take on the matter is that the learning curve is long
(there are many things to learn) but not steep (because the help is well
laid out, commands are easily learnt, and don't need an extraordinarily
big effort to remember): there is a long way to go from rank beginner to
Vim guru, but the individual steps along the way aren't hard (or don't
feel hard to me), especially now that the helphelp.txt helpfile (which
didn't yet exist when I came to Vim) summarizes in one place most of the
useful tricks to use when you get that needle-and-haystack feeling: you
know: "the paragraph I need is out there somewhere in that wonderful but
gigantic help; now how do I lay hands on it?" Well, even the answer to
that question is found in the help, at a place which is easy to find.

Best regards,
5 out of 4 people have trouble with fractions.

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Re: OT: The so called "steep learning curve" of vim...

On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 09:37:34AM EDT, wrote:

> Hi,

> it is often said, taht certain software has a "steep learning curve".
> Vi/vim is such an example for the use of this phrase...
> I was thinking of this phrase and the graph I would draw if I had
> to show an example for such a "steep learning curve"...
> I would take the time as measure for the x-axis and the amount
> of stuff I have learned about -- for example -- vim as a measure
> for the y-axis..
> Then I would draw that "steep learning curve" as an graph
> which goes -- say -- from 0,0 to 5,30.
> And watching this graph I would read it as
> "Using vim give one a great amount of knowledge in a very short time."


The nice thing is that the minute s/o mentions a steep learning curve in
relation to Vim, I know exactly what I'm dealing with and that it's time
to switch back to Vim's help files.

> So....why so many take this as a point of critic???

See above.. or refer to the wikipedia article.. :-)



Have a nice day!

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