Saturday, April 30, 2016
Re: Completiion Suggestions on Status Line...
> 2016-04-30 1:42 GMT+03:00 Sonny Chee <>:
> > Hey Guys,
> >
> > I recently had my home folder and vim nuked and am attempting to regain a capability that I once had - the display of "command completion suggestions on the status line", specifically.
> >
> > I used to be able to type the word, say:
> >
> > Plugin<tab>
> >
> > Once I hit the tab, I would see the following on the status line:
> >
> > Plugin PluginClean PluginDocs PluginInstall ...etc
> >
> > Then hitting the tab repeatedly, I could move the highlight to a choice.
> >
> > I've tried searching, but my google-fu doesn't appear up to the challenge. If anyone could suggest a script or plugin, that would be greatly appreciated.
> See &wild* settings family: :h 'wildchar' and below.
> >
> > --
> > --
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Thanks ZyX. For those who are interested, the following setting in .vimrc specifically gave me the feature I was looking for.
set wildmenu
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Friday, April 29, 2016
change the font style only for attributes in MacVim
I have the font called Operator Mono Light, and I am using it in Macvim.
My question is in Vim, can I get the font changed to the Italic version of Operator Mono only for attributes like in this picture?
If so, how can I do it?
Thanks for your help in advance.
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Re: list packages installed through vimball
> On 2016-04-28, kamaraju kusumanchi wrote:
>> Can someone tell me how to list all packages that were installed
>> through vimball?
>> :help vimball tells about how to install, remove a vimball. It does
>> not talk about listing all the package names. Any ideas?
>> FWIW, I am using vim 7.4 on Debian Jessie.
> A record of all the vimballs installed is maintained in
> ~/.vim/.VimballRecord to allow the files installed to be removed.
> See ":help :RmVimball". Each line of that file begins with the name
> of the vimball.
Thanks Gary. Exactly what I needed. I should have read the help pages
more thoroughly instead of just eyeballing it.
Kamaraju S Kusumanchi |
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Re: Completiion Suggestions on Status Line...
> Hey Guys,
> I recently had my home folder and vim nuked and am attempting to regain a capability that I once had - the display of "command completion suggestions on the status line", specifically.
> I used to be able to type the word, say:
> Plugin<tab>
> Once I hit the tab, I would see the following on the status line:
> Plugin PluginClean PluginDocs PluginInstall ...etc
> Then hitting the tab repeatedly, I could move the highlight to a choice.
> I've tried searching, but my google-fu doesn't appear up to the challenge. If anyone could suggest a script or plugin, that would be greatly appreciated.
See &wild* settings family: :h 'wildchar' and below.
> --
> --
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Completiion Suggestions on Status Line...
I recently had my home folder and vim nuked and am attempting to regain a capability that I once had - the display of "command completion suggestions on the status line", specifically.
I used to be able to type the word, say:
Once I hit the tab, I would see the following on the status line:
Plugin PluginClean PluginDocs PluginInstall ...etc
Then hitting the tab repeatedly, I could move the highlight to a choice.
I've tried searching, but my google-fu doesn't appear up to the challenge. If anyone could suggest a script or plugin, that would be greatly appreciated.
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AwesomeWM + Gvim resize crashes (segfault)
A few days ago I started using Awesome as my window manager (running inside XFCE on xubuntu 15.10). Both Awesome and Vim are the default versions from the repository (v3.5.6 and 7.4.712).
When Gvim gets resized, either because I resize the master-pane of awesome, or simply by switching Awesome layout, Gvim will frequently hang and/or crash.
From what I could find it seems to be a segfault, but I have no clue what is causing this. In the past I have been using Gvim without any problems with xfwm4 (default xfce window manager). I also tried xmonad for a week where I didn't see these crashes when similarly resizing the xmonad master-pane or switching layouts.
I have a feeling that it might be triggered by one of the plugins I use. When I use Gvim without any vimrc it didn't seem to happen at first sight.
This is what I saw in the Ubuntu crash-submit tool:
vim.gnome crashed with sigsegv in get_syntax_atttr()
When starting gvim with `strace gvim -V9log.txt file.tex > stdout.txt 2> stderr.txt` I got the following in stdout.txt:
RenderBadPicture (invalid Picture parameter)
Vim: Got X error
Vim: Finished.
Any help on this is much appreciated.
Kind regards,
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Re: Odd mapping behavior...
> * Sonny Chee <> [2016-04-28 23:03]:
> > I have the following two mappings to turn on and then turn off the paste setting.
> >
> > inoremap <F8> <esc>:set paste<cr>i
> > inoremap <s-F8> <esc>:set nopaste<cr>i
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > However, when I pressed shift-F8 while in insert mode, I just the follt owing characters in my current buffer
> >
> > <S-F8>
> When paste is on mapping in Insert mode is disabled. Check pastetoggle
> option.
> --
> Dmitri Vereshchagin
Thanks Dmitri, that solved my problem.
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Re: fugitive + git log --graph
On Apr 29, 2016 6:36 AM, "marco restelli" <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> using the fugitive plugin (
> is there a way to work on the graph of the repository history, as
> shown by "git log --graph" ?
> Ideally, I would like to have the output of
> git log --graph --full-history --all --color
> --pretty=format:"%x1b[31m%h%x09%x1b[32m%d%x1b[0m%x20%s"
> in the quickfix list, as done by :Glog, so that I could easily see
> which commit is in which branch.
> Anyway, any other suggestion on combining fugitive with --graph is
> very welcome!
exists for that purpose. It is an extension of fugitive.
Justin M. Keyes
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Re: How to solve Bidi support in Vim/GVim
> On Tuesday, 13 November 2012 05:00:42 UTC+3:30, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> > If you think you know:
> > - the C language
> > - the Vim codebase
> > - the full-bidi conventions
> > - how they apply differently in different 'fileencoding's
> > all of that well enough to implement it, I suppose you can try writing
> > (at first) an unofficial patch (by "a patch" I mean "a set of changes,
> > possibly in several files, and possibly including the creation of new
> > source files"). If it works, then maybe Bram will decide to incorporate
> > it into Vim 8 or Vim 9. I have some textfiles with bidi text, but no
> > doubt you will be able to devise your own.
> Tony, Is it possible to integrate a well implemented bidi library like fribidi?
I see that vim touch open source app on android does bidi
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fugitive + git log --graph
using the fugitive plugin (
is there a way to work on the graph of the repository history, as
shown by "git log --graph" ?
Ideally, I would like to have the output of
git log --graph --full-history --all --color
in the quickfix list, as done by :Glog, so that I could easily see
which commit is in which branch.
Anyway, any other suggestion on combining fugitive with --graph is
very welcome!
Thank you,
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Display truncated text in constant size visual column and display entire text on balloon
I have to display some information as "datagrid" but sometime text content is larger than column width.
Is it possible to truncate text content in order it feet in the column and then display all content using balloon feature.
Thank you
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Thursday, April 28, 2016
Re: list packages installed through vimball
> Can someone tell me how to list all packages that were installed
> through vimball?
> :help vimball tells about how to install, remove a vimball. It does
> not talk about listing all the package names. Any ideas?
> FWIW, I am using vim 7.4 on Debian Jessie.
A record of all the vimballs installed is maintained in
~/.vim/.VimballRecord to allow the files installed to be removed.
See ":help :RmVimball". Each line of that file begins with the name
of the vimball.
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Re: How to add the Chinese to the autocomplete dic ?
> 有点复杂,可以自己写一个词典,但是Vim默认是英文的分词,所以只能补全以英文分词方式能识别出来的中文词句
> 发自我的小米手机
> 在 李哲 <>,2016年4月19日 14:48写道:
> I make a MarkDown dic for my MarkDown snippet in the MarkDown file. The English word works fine. But if I add some Chinese vocabulary in the markdown.txt, it doesn't work.
> How to fix this question ?
> I haven't find the answer on the Google
> vimrc:
> function AddMarkDownDict()
> if g:isWIN
> set dict+=$VIM/vimfiles/dict/markdown.txt
> else
> set dict+=~/.vim/dict/markdown.txt
> endif
> set complete+=k
> endfunction
> --
> --
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谢谢 : )
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list packages installed through vimball
through vimball?
:help vimball tells about how to install, remove a vimball. It does
not talk about listing all the package names. Any ideas?
FWIW, I am using vim 7.4 on Debian Jessie.
Kamaraju S Kusumanchi |
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Re: Bash syntax highlighting inconsistent
> As a workaround you can set g:is_bash in your Vim configuration.
That works. Since Bash is generally a superset of POSIX shell scripting,
I can live with that. Thank you for the assistance.
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Re: Odd mapping behavior...
> I have the following two mappings to turn on and then turn off the paste setting.
> inoremap <F8> <esc>:set paste<cr>i
> inoremap <s-F8> <esc>:set nopaste<cr>i
> [...]
> However, when I pressed shift-F8 while in insert mode, I just the follt owing characters in my current buffer
> <S-F8>
When paste is on mapping in Insert mode is disabled. Check pastetoggle
Dmitri Vereshchagin
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Re: Bash syntax highlighting inconsistent
> I'm very familiar with the differences in POSIX shell syntax and
> Bash-specific constructs, and I already explicitly use "#!/usr/bin/env
> bash" for all Bash scripts and "#!/bin/sh" for things I want to be
> portable. Changing the symlink on my Debian box does fix the "function"
> keyword highlighting. It seems strange to me that symlink resolution
> takes precedence over the shebang line.
You are right. Seems like a bug in Vim syntax file.
If /bin/sh points to dash it sets g:is_posix variable. Then if this
variable exists it does not add highlighting for function keyword even
if bash script was recognized (line 402 in my copy of syntax/sh.vim).
As a workaround you can set g:is_bash in your Vim configuration.
Dmitri Vereshchagin
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Problem with syntax checker on perl6?
> Compiled by doktor5000 <doktor5000> - running on Mageia 5
> Attempting to load any substantial file (> 3 lines, around 50 characters,
> approximately) with a reference to perl6 in the !# line results in vim
> displaying the line count on an otherwise blank window, and disappearing
> into a cpu-consuming loop that requires a kill -9 to defeat. A file
> otherwise identical, except that it does not have the #! line is handled
> perfectly.
> My guess is that there's a problem with the syntax-checking process.
> Is there any other diagnostic information that would be useful?
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Odd mapping behavior...
I have the following two mappings to turn on and then turn off the paste setting.
inoremap <F8> <esc>:set paste<cr>i
inoremap <s-F8> <esc>:set nopaste<cr>i
The first mapping works and when I press F8 while in insert mode, I see the label on my status line.
INSERT (paste)
However, when I pressed shift-F8 while in insert mode, I just the follt owing characters in my current buffer
Can anyone help me understand why my second mapping isn't working as (I) expected?
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Re: Bash syntax highlighting inconsistent
> The reason of this behavior is that /bin/sh on these two systems is
> a symbolic link. On Debian it points to dash and on Red Hat it points
> to bash.
> These two shells have slightly different syntax. [...]
> Among the other things Vim resolves /bin/sh to determine which shell
> type is in use. To force bash syntax you can append filename with .bash
> suffix or specify bash in shebang explicitly.
I'm very familiar with the differences in POSIX shell syntax and
Bash-specific constructs, and I already explicitly use "#!/usr/bin/env
bash" for all Bash scripts and "#!/bin/sh" for things I want to be
portable. Changing the symlink on my Debian box does fix the "function"
keyword highlighting. It seems strange to me that symlink resolution
takes precedence over the shebang line.
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Re: Bash syntax highlighting inconsistent
> It's highlighted incorrectly on the Debian 8 machine but not the RedHat
> 6 machine. I am running the exact same version of Vim on both machines
> (7.4 patch level 1796) with the exact same set of configuration files.
> If I run ":scriptnames" on both hosts, the text is identical. Does
> anyone have any ideas what's up with the difference in syntax
> highlighting?
The reason of this behavior is that /bin/sh on these two systems is
a symbolic link. On Debian it points to dash and on Red Hat it points
to bash.
These two shells have slightly different syntax. For example bash
allows you to use reserved word function in function declaration while
dash does not. Vim supports syntax highlighting for these and some
other shells.
Among the other things Vim resolves /bin/sh to determine which shell
type is in use. To force bash syntax you can append filename with .bash
suffix or specify bash in shebang explicitly.
Read :help sh.vim for more information.
Dmitri Vereshchagin
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A function doing a :perl s/// over a range while emulating vim RE's /c flag
> The main drawback with using :perldo, which I do when I need to match
> Unicode properties or charge combining marks separately from their base
> characters is that it has no equivalent of Vim RE's /c modifier. I have
> actually considered trying to write a function emulating the functionality
> using Vim's perl API, if only I can get my head around the latter.
I have written a function which does a substitution over a range
with :perl s/// while emulatuing vim RE's /c flag as nearly as I
could manage:
Feel free to try it out!
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Re:How to add the Chinese to the autocomplete dic ?
I make a MarkDown dic for my MarkDown snippet in the MarkDown file. The English word works fine. But if I add some Chinese vocabulary in the markdown.txt, it doesn't work.
How to fix this question ?
I haven't find the answer on the Google
function AddMarkDownDict()
if g:isWIN
set dict+=$VIM/vimfiles/dict/markdown.txt
set dict+=~/.vim/dict/markdown.txt
set complete+=k
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Re: RFE: support POSIX standard and developing RE's
> BRE's are compatible with ERE's. If you *only* use BRE syntax, then
> any prog using ERE's "should" still work the same for you.
Right, I suppose I should have stopped reading here. :) I didn't
(against my better), presumably because:
> And you are an aggressive nerdbutt!
Thank you for noticing. It might be wise to keep that in mind for
the purpose of further interactions. :)
On 27 April 2016, Linda W <> wrote:
> LCD 47 wrote:
> > Actually, try something simpler:
> >
> > $ grep --version
> > grep (GNU grep) 2.24
> > Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> > License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>.
> > This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
> > There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
> >
> > Written by Mike Haertel and others, see <>.
> >
> > $ echo 'foo bar' | egrep -o '[[:<:]]bar'
> > grep: Invalid character class name
> >
> What is [[:<:]]? What standard is it a part of? Never seen it before.
> Um:
> perl -we 'use strict; use P;
> > my $a="now < there";
> > $a =~ /[[:<:]] there/;
> > '
> POSIX class [:<:] unknown in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[[:<:] <--
> HERE ] there/ at -e line 3.
> ----
> Oh, You made up your own syntax!
I didn't, honestly. I didn't have to either, BSD came up with it
> I see. It's not part of any standard.
I could have sworn it was part of POSIX.1, and OpenBSD's
re_format(7) also seemed to imply that it is:
Other people seem to believe the same:
But I couldn't confirm that with the standard:
-- and NetBSD's re_format(7) actually notes that [:<:] and [:>:] are
So you're right, it isn't part of POSIX. My bad, I should have
digged deeper, sorry about that. Regardless, It might still make a
worthy crussade for you BRE slayers to fight: unification of grep(1)
syntax across the various UNIX platforms. Then turn to sed(1) next.
They are in even wider used than Vim. :)
> > As for Vim: its regexes have features not present in any other
> > language.
> Such as?
An example that comes to mind is \ze.
The other end of this ship seems to have sailed some two weeks ago,
so I won't waste your time with re-hashing old arguments.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Bash syntax highlighting inconsistent
using the same version of Vim. If I define a Bash function on either
machine **without** using the "function" keyword, the function
definition is highlighted green in my color scheme as expected:
# Stuff inside function
However, if I use the "function" keyword like this:
function some_bash_function()
# Stuff inside function
It's highlighted incorrectly on the Debian 8 machine but not the RedHat
6 machine. I am running the exact same version of Vim on both machines
(7.4 patch level 1796) with the exact same set of configuration files.
If I run ":scriptnames" on both hosts, the text is identical. Does
anyone have any ideas what's up with the difference in syntax
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Re: RFE: support POSIX standard and developing RE's
----On 15 April 2016, Erik Christiansen <> wrote:On 14.04.16 14:40, Christian Brabandt wrote:Am 2016-04-14 12:14, schrieb Erik Christiansen:So many unix utilities support POSIX "Modern" EREs, that it is the best standard to conform to.And that is an argument for what, considering that vi comes from a time, where BRE where the default RE dialect?
The argument for that: vim descends from 'vi' which was the visual
editor version of 'ed'. Use of 'ed' has nearly evaporated, however,
'sed' the stream version of 'ed' (both gnu and early unix utils) DOES offer ERE's as an option, thus answering your question -- i.e. if 'vim'
stayed current with current versions of its ancestors, it would already
have the option. 'sed', 'grep' and others have done what any living program does -- they evolve. 'vim' has yet to evolve in this area.
BRE's are compatible with ERE's. If you *only* use BRE syntax, then anyConsistent regexes across unix utilities. Perhaps I was not sufficiently explicit in that regard? I note the deep attachment to obsolete BREs expressed above, but the rest of the world has moved on to modern EREs.
prog using ERE's "should" still work the same for you. PCRE isn't 100% backwards compatible because they chose to make it slightly easier to use
than ERE's. Example, supporting '/x' at the end to allow & ignore embedded whitespace for readability. Second example: "\" *ALWAYS* means to take the next character as a literal -- thus no special cases and no special rules to remember (except on the fifth Thursday that falls after
a new moon in February...:-) ).
----O'Reilly's "Mastering Regular Expressions" mentions that "POSIX standardized the workings of over 70 programs, including traditional regex-wielding tools such as awk, ed, egrep, expr, grep, and sed." (And mutt, lex, ...)[...] "Consistent regexes across unix utilities"? You sir are either a troll, or simply have no idea what you're talking about.
And you are an aggressive nerdbutt! Did you even bother to fact check
your statement before calling names? It does say "POSIX -- An attempt at standardization -- and how they got most programs that POSIX described,
to support BRE's, ERE's or both. It also brought up the problem of
locale's and unicode. To date, I believe Perl's RE has the most comprehensive coverage of unicode of any RE by a wide margin. You can specify chars by charname, codepoint, or just "typing them in". If your
favorite RE doesn't handle the basics -- like upper & lower case of
all the characters handled in all the languages included in Unicode, it doesn't begin to handle the needs of a multi-lingual world.
Actually ERE is at least a standard, and, at least has that going for it,Take a look here: So why ERE instead of PCRE? Oniguruma? RE2?
thought it keeps looking like PCRE will join the group, POSIX moves at
a glacial pace except on matters of great unimportance. Actually POSIX is
really 'dead', as the current entity calling itself POSIX doesn't believe in or adhere to the original POSIX's mission statement of being a declarative body (telling people what is there and the commonalities they can rely on), vs. the new POSIX's mission is to dumb down the interface and *prescribe* behaviors that weren't there before, but to talk about that would raise my BP by about 20 points and be fairly worthless.
What is [[:<:]]? What standard is it a part of? Never seen it before.Actually, try something simpler: $ grep --version grep (GNU grep) 2.24 Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Mike Haertel and others, see <>. $ echo 'foo bar' | egrep -o '[[:<:]]bar' grep: Invalid character class name
perl -we 'use strict; use P;
> my $a="now < there";
> $a =~ /[[:<:]] there/;
> '
POSIX class [:<:] unknown in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[[:<:] <-- HERE ] there/ at -e line 3.
Oh, You made up your own syntax! I see. It's not part of any standard.
egrep doesn't support PCRE's extended character classes -- and it is
fully compliant in it's documenting the fact that it only supports
text-matching (grep -f), BRE (grep), ERE (grep -E) and PCRE's (grep -P).
What documentation or standard are you claiming grep isn't following in
regards to it's RE engine?
Could you point me at the bug report?
Such as? You could support a vim-compatible RE in perl if you wanted toThat's because GNU grep has its own \< and \> instead of POSIX [[:<:]] and [[:>:]]. Have you considered starting a crusade to convince GNU people to adhere to POSIX conventions, in the name of consistenty? As for Vim: its regexes have features not present in any other language.
write one -- it allows plugins and compatibility -- can Vim support
PCRE's -- that library is already to be plugged in, so show me how
wonderful vim's static and arcane RE syntax is better than, say, perl's?
You can embed code in the middle of a perl RE, to handle any matching case (there are also many security provisions that you must comply with to use
such features, but they are there.
Yeah -- well people use PCRE's and millions of people rely on them.People use them, and thousands of plugins and syntax files rely on them.
Javascript's RE was almost entirely derived from perl's when it was
implemented. Show me 1 webbrowser that has builtin support for full
vimscript and vim's RE.
BTW, I use vim every day as my code editor -- so I'm not exactly knocking it -- only your ignorance in how superior it is.
You're asking to break all of them because you _prefer_ something else?
----Who is asking anyone to break anything? I wrote the original note on this topic, and I made no mention nor wanted to have new RE's replace
the current ones. I even made suggestions about integration in my previous email like:
Maybe having "\X" & "\P" for extended and pcre's would be a start,
though I'd _like_ to see a way of choosing different RE's for
use in macros & .vim files (for compat), and a 2nd option for
interactive RE's (thus eliminating the need for the "/[vmMVXP]"
on each search or substitute).
Wake up please.
Learn how to read before you awaken others to your ignorant state.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Re: E254?
2016/4/27 Wed 2:03:44 UTC+9 Christian Brabandt wrote:
> Hi Meino.Cramer!
> On Di, 26 Apr 2016, wrote:
> > Christian Brabandt <> [16-04-26 17:03]:
> > > Am 2016-04-26 05:10, schrieb
> > > >Hi,
> > > >with the updates of yesterday (or the day before?) I got a lot of this
> > > >output, which wasn't there before:
> > > >line 16:
> > > >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> > > >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> > > >line 17:
> > > >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> > > >line 18:
> > > >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> >
> > <snip>
> >
> > > >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> > > >line 48:
> > > >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> > > >I didn't changed .vimrc and Co. ...
> > > >After spiiting out this, vim works fine...
> > > >How can I fix it?
> > >
> > > Do you use the new guicolor setting? What colorscheme are you using?
> > > Is the file rgb.txt in your $VIMRUNTIME available?
> > >
> > > Best,
> > > Christian
> > > --
> > > --
> > > You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
> > > Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.
> > > For more information, visit
> > >
> > > --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > > Groups "vim_use" group.
> > > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
> > > an email to
> > > For more options, visit
> > >
> >
> > Hi Christian,
> >
> > new gui-settings??? ;)
> > You are joking, man...vim? ***GUI***?
> > No way!
> > I am using vim on the console!
> > (all this with a big smile in my face! 8)
> Well, you might want to read :h 'guicolors' if you updated your Vim
> recently. You might want to tell us your version output additionally.
> Also please check, that a file $VIMRUNTIME/rgb.txt is available. If you
> previously compiled and installed your vim yourself, this file was not
> installed, but it is needed by the guicolors feature. You might want to
> check, if the 'guicolors' option has been set and where it is set using
> :verbose set guicolors? (it is not set by default)
The option name 'guicolors' is totally confusing.
It should be renamed to 'termguicolors' or something else as discussed in
this thread:
> > Or in more settled words:
> > No, I am not using gui-settings as far as I know.
> >
> > The colorscheme is a modificated one...I have attached it to
> > this posting...
> If it colornames such as DarkMagenta or Cornsilk and you are using Vim
> with 'guicolors' set in the console and you are missing
> $VIMRUNTIME/rgb.txt you will see such warnings.
I saw the E254 error even without setting 'guicolors', when I used
+termtruecolor enabled vim and rgb.txt was not installed. Colorscheme was desert.
Installing rgb.txt should fix the E254 error. However, I think it's better
to avoid E254 when 'guicolors' is not set and rgb.txt is not installed.
Ken Takata
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Re: E254?
On Di, 26 Apr 2016, wrote:
> Christian Brabandt <> [16-04-26 17:03]:
> > Am 2016-04-26 05:10, schrieb
> > >Hi,
> > >with the updates of yesterday (or the day before?) I got a lot of this
> > >output, which wasn't there before:
> > >line 16:
> > >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> > >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> > >line 17:
> > >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> > >line 18:
> > >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> <snip>
> > >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> > >line 48:
> > >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> > >I didn't changed .vimrc and Co. ...
> > >After spiiting out this, vim works fine...
> > >How can I fix it?
> >
> > Do you use the new guicolor setting? What colorscheme are you using?
> > Is the file rgb.txt in your $VIMRUNTIME available?
> >
> > Best,
> > Christian
> > --
> > --
> > You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
> > Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.
> > For more information, visit
> >
> > --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Groups "vim_use" group.
> > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
> > an email to
> > For more options, visit
> >
> Hi Christian,
> new gui-settings??? ;)
> You are joking, man...vim? ***GUI***?
> No way!
> I am using vim on the console!
> (all this with a big smile in my face! 8)
Well, you might want to read :h 'guicolors' if you updated your Vim
recently. You might want to tell us your version output additionally.
Also please check, that a file $VIMRUNTIME/rgb.txt is available. If you
previously compiled and installed your vim yourself, this file was not
installed, but it is needed by the guicolors feature. You might want to
check, if the 'guicolors' option has been set and where it is set using
:verbose set guicolors? (it is not set by default)
> Or in more settled words:
> No, I am not using gui-settings as far as I know.
> The colorscheme is a modificated one...I have attached it to
> this posting...
If it colornames such as DarkMagenta or Cornsilk and you are using Vim
with 'guicolors' set in the console and you are missing
$VIMRUNTIME/rgb.txt you will see such warnings.
Die Kraft der Seele wächst und festigt sich in dem Maße, als man die
Beschwerden mit Geduld erträgt.
-- Hl. Johannes vom Kreuz
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Re: E254?
> Nikolay Aleksandrovich Pavlov <> [16-04-26 18:20]:
>> 2016-04-26 19:08 GMT+03:00 <>:
>> > Christian Brabandt <> [16-04-26 17:03]:
>> >> Am 2016-04-26 05:10, schrieb
>> >> >Hi,
>> >> >with the updates of yesterday (or the day before?) I got a lot of this
>> >> >output, which wasn't there before:
>> >> >line 16:
>> >> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
>> >> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
>> >> >line 17:
>> >> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
>> >> >line 18:
>> >> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
>> >
>> > <snip>
>> >
>> >> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
>> >> >line 48:
>> >> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
>> >> >I didn't changed .vimrc and Co. ...
>> >> >After spiiting out this, vim works fine...
>> >> >How can I fix it?
>> >>
>> >> Do you use the new guicolor setting? What colorscheme are you using?
>> >> Is the file rgb.txt in your $VIMRUNTIME available?
>> >>
>> >> Best,
>> >> Christian
>> >> --
>> >> --
>> >> You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
>> >> Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.
>> >> For more information, visit
>> >>
>> >> --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>> >> Groups "vim_use" group.
>> >> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
>> >> an email to
>> >> For more options, visit
>> >>
>> >
>> > Hi Christian,
>> >
>> > new gui-settings??? ;)
>> > You are joking, man...vim? ***GUI***?
>> > No way!
>> > I am using vim on the console!
>> > (all this with a big smile in my face! 8)
>> &guicolors setting is for using gui colors *in the console*.
>> >
>> > Or in more settled words:
>> > No, I am not using gui-settings as far as I know.
>> >
>> > The colorscheme is a modificated one...I have attached it to
>> > this posting...
>> >
>> > Best regards
>> > Meino
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > --
>> > You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
>> > Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.
>> > For more information, visit
>> >
>> > ---
>> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "vim_use" group.
>> > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
>> > For more options, visit
>> --
>> --
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>> For more information, visit
>> ---
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "vim_use" group.
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> Hi Nikolay,
> OH YEAH! ;)
> Where can I read more about it?
Every present setting is described in the Vim help.
> Best regards
> Meino
> --
> --
> You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
> Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.
> For more information, visit
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Re: E254?
> 2016-04-26 19:08 GMT+03:00 <>:
> > Christian Brabandt <> [16-04-26 17:03]:
> >> Am 2016-04-26 05:10, schrieb
> >> >Hi,
> >> >with the updates of yesterday (or the day before?) I got a lot of this
> >> >output, which wasn't there before:
> >> >line 16:
> >> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> >> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> >> >line 17:
> >> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> >> >line 18:
> >> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> >
> > <snip>
> >
> >> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> >> >line 48:
> >> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> >> >I didn't changed .vimrc and Co. ...
> >> >After spiiting out this, vim works fine...
> >> >How can I fix it?
> >>
> >> Do you use the new guicolor setting? What colorscheme are you using?
> >> Is the file rgb.txt in your $VIMRUNTIME available?
> >>
> >> Best,
> >> Christian
> >> --
> >> --
> >> You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
> >> Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.
> >> For more information, visit
> >>
> >> --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> >> Groups "vim_use" group.
> >> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
> >> an email to
> >> For more options, visit
> >>
> >
> > Hi Christian,
> >
> > new gui-settings??? ;)
> > You are joking, man...vim? ***GUI***?
> > No way!
> > I am using vim on the console!
> > (all this with a big smile in my face! 8)
> &guicolors setting is for using gui colors *in the console*.
> >
> > Or in more settled words:
> > No, I am not using gui-settings as far as I know.
> >
> > The colorscheme is a modificated one...I have attached it to
> > this posting...
> >
> > Best regards
> > Meino
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > --
> > You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
> > Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.
> > For more information, visit
> >
> > ---
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "vim_use" group.
> > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
> > For more options, visit
> --
> --
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Hi Nikolay,
Where can I read more about it?
Best regards
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Re: E254?
> Christian Brabandt <> [16-04-26 17:03]:
>> Am 2016-04-26 05:10, schrieb
>> >Hi,
>> >with the updates of yesterday (or the day before?) I got a lot of this
>> >output, which wasn't there before:
>> >line 16:
>> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
>> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
>> >line 17:
>> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
>> >line 18:
>> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> <snip>
>> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
>> >line 48:
>> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
>> >I didn't changed .vimrc and Co. ...
>> >After spiiting out this, vim works fine...
>> >How can I fix it?
>> Do you use the new guicolor setting? What colorscheme are you using?
>> Is the file rgb.txt in your $VIMRUNTIME available?
>> Best,
>> Christian
>> --
>> --
>> You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
>> Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.
>> For more information, visit
>> --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>> Groups "vim_use" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
>> an email to
>> For more options, visit
> Hi Christian,
> new gui-settings??? ;)
> You are joking, man...vim? ***GUI***?
> No way!
> I am using vim on the console!
> (all this with a big smile in my face! 8)
&guicolors setting is for using gui colors *in the console*.
> Or in more settled words:
> No, I am not using gui-settings as far as I know.
> The colorscheme is a modificated one...I have attached it to
> this posting...
> Best regards
> Meino
> --
> --
> You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
> Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.
> For more information, visit
> ---
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "vim_use" group.
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Re: E254?
" Author: A. S. Budden <abudden _at_ gmail _dot_ com>
" Copyright: Copyright (C) 2011 A. S. Budden
" Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
" with or without modifications, provided that this copyright
" notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free,
" the EasyColour plugin is provided *as is* and comes with no
" warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. By using
" this plugin, you agree that in no event will the copyright
" holder be liable for any damages resulting from the use
" of this software.
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" Vim Colour File based on EasyColour Plugin
set background=dark
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
call EasyColour#ColourScheme#LoadColourScheme('mccphd')
# Saving this file will update the current colour scheme.
# Class:#F0DDFF
# DefinedName:#CCC0C0
# EnumerationValue:#FFCCFF
# EnumerationName:DarkKhaki
# Member:#98FB98
# Union:DarkKhaki
# GlobalVariable:#F0E6CC
# LocalVariable:#F0E6CC
# GlobalConstant:#F0E6CC
# No light colour scheme defined
# vim: ff=unix:noet:ft=EasyColour
set background=dark
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let colors_name = "phdmcc"
" Very aggressive
"let s:orange = '#f0a000'
"let s:orange = '#b08060'
let s:violet = '#99699c'
let s:light_violet = '#a989ac'
let s:yellow = '#e3d756'
let s:red = '#d07346'
let s:darkgreen = '#80a050'
let s:green = '#99bf52'
let s:lightgreen = '#e2e9af'
let s:darkblue = '#32698f'
let s:blue = '#5299bf'
let s:lightblue = '#72b9bf'
let s:light_orange = '#fbd461'
let s:orange = '#bba401'
let s:grey = '#808080'
let s:text = '#e0e0e0'
let s:text_hl = '#ffffff'
let s:text_minor = '#909090'
let s:text_very_minor = '#304050'
let s:greyed = '#687898'
let s:popup_bg = '#101010'
let s:popup_bg_hl = '#000000'
let s:popup_fg = s:text
let s:popup_fg_hl = s:text_hl
let s:bg = '#061229'
let s:bg_hl_soft = '#1e293e'
let s:bg_hl = '#324454'
let s:bg_minor = '#030a17'
let s:structure = '#76cc68'
let s:constant1 = '#c08040'
let s:constant2 = '#d2852b'
let s:constant3 = '#f2a54b'
let s:control1 = '#f9f7a4'
let s:control2 = '#c9b794'
" '#76cc68'
let s:border1_bg = s:bg_hl
let s:border1_fg = s:text_minor
let s:func = '#96b2cc'
if version >= 700
exe 'hi TabLineSel guifg='.s:text_hl .' guibg='.s:border1_bg .' gui=underline'
exe 'hi TabLine guifg='.s:text_minor .' guibg='.s:bg .' gui=underline'
exe 'hi TabLineFill guifg='.s:text_minor .' guibg='.s:bg .' gui=none'
"P-Menu (auto-completion)
"hi Pmenu guifg=#605958 guibg=#101418 gui=none
"hi PmenuSel guifg=#a09998 guibg=#404040 gui=underline
exe 'hi CursorLine guibg='.s:bg_hl_soft .' gui=none'
exe 'hi CursorColumn guibg='.s:bg_hl_soft .' gui=none'
exe 'hi MatchParen guifg='.s:text_hl .' guibg='.s:bg_hl .' gui=bold'
exe 'hi Pmenu guifg='.s:text .' guibg='.s:popup_bg .' gui=none'
exe 'hi PmenuSel guifg='.s:text_hl .' guibg='.s:popup_bg_hl .' gui=bold'
exe 'hi PmenuSbar guibg='.s:popup_bg_hl
exe 'hi PmenuThumb guifg='.s:text
exe 'hi Visual guibg='.s:bg_hl
"hi Cursor guifg=NONE guibg=#586068
hi Cursor guibg=#b0d0f0
exe 'hi Normal guifg='.s:text .' guibg='.s:bg
"exe 'hi Underlined guifg='.s:white .' guibg='.s:darkgrey .' gui=underline'
exe 'hi NonText guifg='.s:text_very_minor .' guibg='.s:bg
exe 'hi SpecialKey guifg='.s:text_very_minor .' guibg='.s:bg
exe 'hi LineNr guifg='.s:border1_fg .' guibg='.s:border1_bg .' gui=none'
exe 'hi StatusLine guifg='.s:text_hl .' guibg='.s:border1_bg .' gui=underline'
exe 'hi StatusLineNC guifg='.s:text_minor .' guibg='.s:border1_bg .' gui=underline'
exe 'hi VertSplit guifg='.s:border1_bg .' guibg='.s:border1_bg .' gui=none'
exe 'hi Folded guifg='.s:text_minor .' guibg='.s:border1_bg .' gui=none'
exe 'hi FoldColumn guifg='.s:text_minor .' guibg='.s:border1_bg .' gui=none'
exe 'hi SignColumn guifg='.s:text_minor .' guibg='.s:border1_bg .' gui=none'
exe 'hi Comment guifg='.s:greyed .' guibg='.s:bg .' gui=none'
exe 'hi TODO guifg='.s:greyed .' guibg='.s:bg .' gui=bold'
exe 'hi Title guifg='.s:red .' guibg='.s:bg .' gui=underline'
exe 'hi Constant guifg='.s:constant1 .' guibg='.s:bg .' gui=none'
exe 'hi String guifg='.s:constant2 .' guibg='.s:bg .' gui=none'
exe 'hi Special guifg='.s:constant3 .' guibg='.s:bg .' gui=none'
exe 'hi Identifier guifg='.s:control1 .' guibg='.s:bg .' gui=none'
exe 'hi Statement guifg='.s:control2 .' guibg='.s:bg .' gui=none'
"exe 'hi Conditional guifg='.s:grey .' guibg='.s:bg .' gui=bold'
"exe 'hi Repeat guifg='.s:light_orange .' guibg='.s:bg .' gui=bold'
exe 'hi Structure guifg='.s:structure .' guibg='.s:bg .' gui=none'
exe 'hi Function guifg='.s:func .' guibg='.s:bg .' gui=none'
exe 'hi PreProc guifg='.s:light_violet .' guibg='.s:bg .' gui=none'
exe 'hi Define guifg='.s:light_violet .' guibg='.s:bg .' gui=none'
exe 'hi Operator guifg='.s:light_orange .' guibg='.s:bg .' gui=none'
exe 'hi Type guifg='.s:yellow .' guibg='.s:bg .' gui=none'
"hi Macro guifg=#a0b0c0 gui=underline
"Tabs, trailing spaces, etc (lcs)
"hi SpecialKey guifg=#808080 guibg=#343434
"hi TooLong guibg=#ff0000 guifg=#f8f8f8
hi Search guifg=#606000 guibg=#c0c000 gui=bold
hi Directory guifg=#dad085 gui=NONE
hi Error guibg=#602020
" Plugins
"exe 'hi TagListFileName guifg='.s:lightgrey .' guibg='.s:darkgrey .' gui=underline'
"exe 'hi TagListTitle guifg='.s:mid_grey_blue .' guibg='.s:darkgrey .' gui=italic'
Christian Brabandt <> [16-04-26 17:03]:
> Am 2016-04-26 05:10, schrieb
> >Hi,
> >with the updates of yesterday (or the day before?) I got a lot of this
> >output, which wasn't there before:
> >line 16:
> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> >line 17:
> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> >line 18:
> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> >line 48:
> >E254: Cannot allocate color none
> >I didn't changed .vimrc and Co. ...
> >After spiiting out this, vim works fine...
> >How can I fix it?
> Do you use the new guicolor setting? What colorscheme are you using?
> Is the file rgb.txt in your $VIMRUNTIME available?
> Best,
> Christian
> --
> --
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Hi Christian,
new gui-settings??? ;)
You are joking, man...vim? ***GUI***?
No way!
I am using vim on the console!
(all this with a big smile in my face! 8)
Or in more settled words:
No, I am not using gui-settings as far as I know.
The colorscheme is a modificated one...I have attached it to
this posting...
Best regards
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Re: Capture columns nummers of matches ending with double byte chars
> (Cc-ing to vim_dev)
> Hi,
> 2016/4/26 Tue 15:00:33 UTC+9 rameo wrote:
> > >
> > > It is much better to download sources from
> > >
> >
> > Found it:
> >
> >
> > However...
> > Tried:
> > gvim_7.4.1782_x86.exe
> > gvim_7.4.1786_x86.exe
> >
> > Both gives an error:
> > Error detected while processing vimrc_example.vim
> > line 114:
> > E919: Directory not found in 'packpath': "pack/*/opt/matchit"
> Oops!
> We should have updated the nsis script when we turned some scripts
> into packages. Attached patch should fix the problem.
Thanks! Took a while before someone noticed...
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Re: strikethrough text in gvim
2016/4/26 Tue 15:12:51 UTC+9 Christian Brabandt wrote:
> Hi Ken!
> On Mo, 25 Apr 2016, Ken Takata wrote:
> > Hi Christian,
> >
> > 2016/4/26 Tue 1:53:17 UTC+9 Christian Brabandt wrote:
> > > Hi Ken!
> > >
> > > On Do, 10 Mär 2016, Ken Takata wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hi,
> > > >
> > > > 2013/10/12 Sat 23:25:06 UTC+9 Ken Takata wrote:
> > > > > Hi Christian,
> > > > >
> > > > > 2013/07/31 Wed 4:56:39 UTC+9 Christian Brabandt wrote:
> > > > > > Attached is a patch to try out. It seems to work for me with GTK
> > > > > > and Motif Gui. I am a Unix gui and can't say for sure the code for
> > > > > > Windows and Mac is actually correct and works, though.
> > > > >
> > > > > I checked your patch on Windows. It works fine. I checked it with
> > > > > the following process:
> > > > >
> > > > > > gvim -N foo.html
> > > > > :syn enable :syn region htmlStrike start="<del\>" end="</del>"me=e-6
> > > > > contains=@htmlTop :hi def htmlStrike term=strikethrough
> > > > > cterm=strikethrough gui=strikethrough i<del>foo</del>
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > > Secondly, I am unsure about the changes to term.c and term.h I
> > > > > > don't know, if these changes are actually needed, so I simply took
> > > > > > the undercurl code as an example and changed it so it would fit
> > > > > > for strikethrough.
> > > > >
> > > > > I think it is better to add term cap entries. Currently, termcap
> > > > > doesn't support strikethrough attributes, so we have to use our own
> > > > > attribute names. (E.g. 't_Ts'/'t_Te' or 't_SS'/'t_SE') I also think
> > > > > that a new flag (e.g. 't' or 'S') should be added in the 'highlight'
> > > > > option.
> > > > >
> > > > > I and Hayaki Saito updated your patch to add them. After applying
> > > > > this patch and setting escape sequences properly,
> > > > >
> > > > > let &t_Ts="\e[9m" let &t_Te="\e[29m"
> > > > >
> > > > > some terminals (*) will show strikethrough lines.
> > > > >
> > > > > (*) RLogin: (Japanese)
> > > > > pangoterm:
> > > >
> > > > I found that this patch cannot be used for GTK3, but I don't know how
> > > > to fix it. I hope someone can fix this.
> > >
> > > Seems like you did fix this with the latest version here:
> > >
> >
> > I made a fix but I haven't tested it yet.
> >
> > > Seems to work fine for me. Bram, I think this might be a nice addition
> > > for vim 8.
> >
> > Thank you for checking. Does it work both with GTK2 and GTK3?
> ,----
> | :syn region htmlStrike start="<del>"ms=s+5 end="</del>"me=e-6
> | :hi def htmlStrike gui=strikethrough term=strikethrough
> | i<del>foobar</del>
> `----
> This works in GTK2 and GTK3 gui but I couldn't check the terminal, since
> I don't have a terminal that has this capability
Thank you for checking.
Now I check with Win32 GUI and also with terminal (mintty). Both works fine.
As I wrote before, I have to set the following esc sequences:
let &t_Ts="\e[9m"
let &t_Te="\e[29m"
Hayaki Saito told me that xterm (with patch#305) also supported these sequences.
Is it better to set these sequences as default when $TERM is xterm?
Ken Takata
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