Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Re: Accumulating text with cuts or yanks

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 8:17 PM, Tim Johnson<> wrote:
> I'd like to cut a series of lines and append each line to a contiguous
> block of test that would then be pasted en masse.
> Example.
> cut line 2, line 6, line 10. Move to line 20, paste all 3 lines
> there.

This can be accomplished using standard Vim commands:

Line 2:
"ayy dd
Line 6:
Line 10:
Line 20:

Or you can use my plugin:
YankRing.vim : Maintains a history of previous yanks and deletes

You would simply delete each line.
Go to Line 20, hit F11 (default map) to open the yankring window.
Visually select all the deleted lines and hit p or P or gp or gP.
You can also hit r, which tells the YankRing to paste them in reverse
order (depending on the order you deleted them in the first place).

> Using ver 7.1 on linux.

The YankRing works on Vim 7.1, but has additional features in Vim 7.2.


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