Sunday, August 30, 2009

Re: Trying to post.

On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 12:46:17PM EDT, Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado wrote:
> Saluton Patrick :)
> Patrick Gen-Paul <> skribis:

> > Raúl, if you think this is worth investigating, the subject of my
> > original message is "vim 7.1 - sh.vim syntax file - unwarranted
> > syntax error detected" and it was posted "From:".

> It is on the mailing list archives (three times, because you reposted
> it or replied to it, I haven't investigated that) and you have a reply
> from John Little.

Hey, Raúl.. please don't bother investigating.. I am the guilty party
here and did post this message several times.

> See here:

Yes, I saw that in Yahoo! groups as well.

And John Little's excellent reply did materialize on my local system.

I'm only missing my original post - looks like Google groups and gmail
do not work together correctly.. since I have never had any such
problems with gmail and traditional mailing lists - otherwise I would
have ditched gmail the same day I created my first account :-)

> If you have any other problem, please tell me, Google Groups has some
> problems at times.

Well, I hope I won't have any problems unsubscribing ;-)

I really don't have the time to follow and contribute to an additional
mailing list.

Thanks much for help.


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