Friday, August 28, 2009

Re: Unexpected tabdo behaivor

Ben Fritz schrieb:
>> Something like that. Opening vim with N files results in N-1 correctly
>> displayed tabs plus one always ends up completely blank. I'd blame my
>> own ignorance if it weren't for the fact that if I comment out the
>> tabdo-line, open the files and then manually run "tabdo call Test()"
>> from within vim, it all works as expected.
> Since it works if you load each file manually then call the tabdo, I
> suspect Vim doesn't like doing all this during startup (though I don't
> know the reason).
> Try this minor modification and see if it works better:
> tab all
> map <Tab> :tabn<cr>
> map <S-Tab> :tabp<cr>
> set autochdir
> function Test()
> 30 vsplit
> set nonu
> VTreeExplore
> endfunction
> autocmd VimEnter * tabdo call Test()
> This way you don't try to run your function until after Vim is all
> done with initialization. In addition, you don't need to source the
> plugin in your .vimrc, Vim can just do it normally.
> --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~

Thanks a bunch, Ben! Worked like a charm :)

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