Friday, August 21, 2009

Re: using % (shift 5) for end or do/end style blocks

On 12/08/09 04:08, Gary Johnson wrote:
> On 2009-08-12, Philip Rhoades wrote:
>> On 2009-08-12 05:49, Gary Johnson wrote:
>>> On 2009-08-12, Philip Rhoades wrote:
>>>> But when I checked, the matchit plugin was not there so I downloaded and
>>>> installed it but still no improvement so I read the doc (!) and changed
>>>> the last line in .vimrc to:
>>>> :source ~phil/.vim/plugin/matchit.vim
>>>> but still no joy. What is really odd is that "g%" ie the reverse
>>>> movement works fine!
>>>> I have:
>>>> vim v7.2.148-1
>>>> matchit.vim v1.13.2, for Vim 6.3+
>>> I suppose the problem could be some other plugin interfering with
>>> these. To make sure it wasn't working for me because of some
>>> peculiarity of my setup, I started vim like this:
>>> vim -N -u NONE
>>> Then within vim, executed these:
>>> :runtime macros/matchit.vim
>> This works OK.
>>> :filetype detection on
>> This gives:
>> E475: Invalid argument: detection on
> I'm sorry--that should have been
> :filetype plugin on
>>> :e foo.rb
>>> where foo.rb contains your example code. The % worked fine. Try
>>> that and see if it works any better for you. That's pretty much
>>> what you already tried with your simple .vimrc except that your
>>> experiment also loaded all your plugins as well, whereas starting
>>> vim with -u NONE also inhibits the loading of plugins.
>>> Alternatively, you could repeat your experiment but start vim as
>> > vim --noplugin
>> Still have the same problem with this:
>> vim --noplugin t.rb
>> where t.rb is:
>> #!/usr/bin/env ruby
>> x = 1
>> if (x == 1)
>> puts 'Yesss'
>> else
>> puts 'Noooo'
>> end
> I'm at a loss then. I've tried it on straight Windows on a
> different PC with gvim 7.2.148 from Cream, and on a Red Hat Linux
> system with vim 7.2.148 I built myself, and it just works. I don't
> know enough about the internals of either the ruby.vim plugin or
> the matchit.vim script to know how to troubleshoot this further.
> For what it's worth, if I execute this from vim on Linux when
> editing a Ruby file (so that ft=ruby),

After having rtead all this thread, let's try to revive it.

The reason matchit.vim is in macros/, not in plugin/, is that it is
vi-incompatible and therefore not loaded by default.

To have it sourced whenever Vim is started with global plugins enabled,
add the following one-line file as ~/.vim/plugin/matchit.vim (for Unix)
or ~/vimfiles/plugin/matchit.vim (for Windows):

runtime macros/matchit.vim

Also copy $VIMRUNTIME/macros/matchit.txt to ~/.vim/doc/ or
~/vimfiles/doc/ depending on platform (on Unix you can make a symlink
instead) then run the ":helptags" command (q.v.) on that directory.
Create any not-yet-existent needed directories as you go along.

This should be enough to run matchit together with the standard plugins
and to enable its help. It should also work from then on ion other
filetypes, for instance in vimscript on if / elseif / else / endif
structures, or while / endwhile, for / endfor, try / catch / finally /

Optionally (as a last flourish), you can also add the following to your

au VimEnter * au FileType * if !exists(b:match_words)
\ | let b:match_words = &matchpairs | endif

so that 'matchpairs' will still work for filetypes whose ftplugin does
not define b:match_words. The double autocommand structure is to make it
the last Filetype autocommand, so that ftplugins take precedence, and
that any 'matchpairs' setting set by a non-matchit-aware ftplugin is used.

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
106. When told to "go to your room" you inform your parents that you
can't...because you were kicked out and banned.

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