Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Re: Vim Tutorial Screencasts

wow, really impressive… thanks a lot, great work.
I have a request, well, a pair actually, may I? :)
1) could you, please, speak a little bit s l o w l y? I am sorry, I am
not english mother language so I have some difficulties in
understanding spoken english. Of course, I think I am not the only one
(that's why a lot of transcripts in these kind of screencasts, but, I
know, that would be too much… :) )
2) could you use a program to show keys you use for commands? There
are a lot of them out there, but it would help a lot to understand
keys sequence while using MacVim

Thanks again, they are so useful even just watching at them.

On Aug 17, 10:44 am, Pento <naplan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Derek, it's very interesting.
> I will post to my blog about vim link to your screencasts =)
> On Aug 16, 1:32 am, Derek Wyatt <ewipla...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> > I just popped my head in to let you know that I've started putting up
> > some Vim Tutorial Screencasts athttp://vimeo.com/user1690209/videos.
> > I'll also be trying out some little one-liners on Twitter athttp://twitter.com/derekwyatt.
> > This has been a bit of an experiment over the last few months and I've
> > found that I enjoy doing them, so it works for me.  If other people
> > can get something out of it, then all the better!
> > Cheers,
> > Derek
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