Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Re: ":setlocal spell" shows "SpellLocal" errors

On Aug 30, 1:38 pm, Matt Wozniski <m...@drexel.edu> wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 10:01 AM, AndyHancock wrote:
> > I'm using vim 7.1 from the cygwin 1.5.25 installation. I did:
> >   :set spelllang=en_us,us_ca
> > I got:
> >   Warning: Cannot find word list "us.latin1.spl" or "us.ascii.spl"
> Well, two points here - one, you should probably be using vim in UTF-8
> mode unless you have a really good reason not to, and b) in vim 7.1
> this would fail unless ~/.vim/spell/ already existed, so an mkdir
> might help.
> > Before getting the above error, Vim asked for permission to download
> > those files, but couldn't find them.  After the above error, local
> > spellings such as "neighbourhood" and "colour" are highlighted as
> > SpellLocal, meaning that it is the /wrong/ spelling for the selected
> > region.  I thought I was selecting the region with above command?
> If I set spelllang to "en_us", "colour" is highlighted with
> SpellLocal.  If I set it to "en_ca", "color" is highlighted with
> SpellLocal.  If I set it to "en_us,en_ca", neither "color" nor
> "colour" is highlighted as SpellLocal.

Hmm, I'll have to read up a bit more on UTF-8 mode and see if anything
I did in the past might have torpedoed that. I already have ~/.vim/

Thanks, Matt
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