Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Re: sql commands from Vim

2009/11/18 epanda <>


I am searching for some utility that enable to do sql command from
within GVim under XP.

Simply write query, select it and do !<your_sql_interpreter> <param>.

Vim mantains command history  and then, next times you only need to go up and down into the history (after typing :! --or ! in visual mode--) to select the appropiate command.

This will replace the query by its result. If you only want to inspect it, you can undo after that. If you need both query and result, you need to get a copy before execute.

Suggest: I also use folding with markers (set foldmethod=marker) and usually enclose my querys into folds like this:

-- Some comment {{{
select foo from bar where foobar limit 10;
-- }}}

This way I can fold them and manage (copy, paste, select...) like a single line.

For example, while folded, you can simply position the cursor over the folded query and then hit CTRL+V (to select it) and then type !yoursqlinterpreter yourparams

PS: For the XP itself I know no solution :-P. But if it is a requirement, maybe you can try cygwin.

Joan Miquel Torres__________________________________
Linux Registered User #164872

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