Thursday, November 26, 2009

& xmledit


xmledit <> defines many useful text-editing commands, one of them being "Delete Tag" (\d). However, I would prefer some other "leader character", as '\' is cumbersome for me to type. I would like to have ',' (comma) as the leader character for XML-files. How do I change the setting?

I've read the page
<>. It states that,
"Vim replaces <Leader> with the 'mapleader' value only when defining the map and not when the map is invoked. This means that after several map commands are defined if the 'mapleader' variable is changed, it will not affect the previously defined maps."

So I figure that I need to change the setting in ~/.vim/ftplugin/xml.vim file, before
`nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>'
commands. I tried to insert this line
let maplocalleader = ","

right after the line
let b:did_ftplugin = 1 (line 28 in my file).
But that didn't work. So what would be the correct place to make the change?

Thanks for anyone taking time with this.

Best vimshes,

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