Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Re: Best practice and enhance performance duration of vimscript

> I have all book on gvim but no one tells me the best practice to have
> good performance when we write vimscript.

I'm not sure there's a bible of good performance, but in-built functions
that operate on larger swaths may be faster

> 2- Retrieving and writin data from the 1rst hash => 7 seconds
> the func is doing that :
> for l:key in keys(s:hash)
> let l:line = substitute
> (l:lineToChange,"TO_SUBSTITUTE_WITH_KEY",l:key,"g")
> let l:line = substitute(l:line,"TO_SUBSTITUTE_WITH_KEY2",s:hash
> [l:key].key2,"")
> let l:line = substitute(l:line,"TO_SUBSTITUTE_WITH_KEY3",s:hash
> [l:key].key3,"")
> exec 'norm o' . l:line
> endfor
> Can I reduce time ?

I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to achieve here -- mostly the
source of the l:lineToChange -- is this from some larger loop? The
reason it's confusing is that after you've gone through the loop once,
I'd expect that TO_SUB_WITH_KEY is no longer in the string, so
subsequent passes through the loop look like they're just appending the
same line (which, btw, I'd perform with


instead of via normal mode.)

My first thought would be to do fewer substitutes, which could be done
if your hashes are nested, so you have a double-dereferencing.
Something like


or, if you have a bunch of keys, you might be able to do something like

:let @/=join(keys(s:hash), '\|')

(you might have to escape the keys if there are funky regexp
metacharacter values in the hash keys)


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