Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Re: How to compile with guifont ?

On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Timothy Madden <terminatorul@gmail.com> wrote:
> I compiled vim on a debian server and installed in in my home folder
> (~/usr/local),
> but the resulting executable can see no fonts when I press Tab on
>    :set guifont=<Tab>
> and the default font is looking too condensed. The Edit menu has no GUI Font
> entry.

Are you sure that this feature shall work? At least it does not work
for me, though I can set the fonts. If I hit tab, then I get the
font that I've specified in .gvimrc and hitting <Tab> again just
produces tab character in the font name. Try to use the menu available
in gvim. There you can select the font from the list.


Andrei Voropaev

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