Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Re: Is there a tool that can compute how many keystrokes are need to modify a file to another?

Hi Peng!

On Mi, 23 Dez 2009, Peng Yu wrote:

> I want a tool that can at least take consideration of copy and paste
> (e.g. 'yy' and 'p'). Or better, given a set of commonly used vim
> editing commands, to find the optimal number of keystrokes that are
> needed to achieve the final result. Essentially, I want to evaluate
> how much time it is need to edit a given file by a human being.

I don't see how that helps, cause usually there are many different ways
to achieve the same result. For example you might manually change every
line and append a value while the next user simply uses a regex. Or one
user uses a normal mode command to achieve something and the next user
uses an ex command. Additionally using multitasking this measure is
actually useless. I usually switch a lot between different applications
so I would look bad on that.

Having said that, you could probably create a script that records all
keys pressed, but I doubt this would be useful either.

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