Sunday, January 31, 2010

Re: Builing Vim on slack for console with clipboard enabled

On Sat, Jan 30, at 04:00 Tim Johnson wrote:
> I'm using vim 7.2 on Slackware 13.0 32-bit.
> This system has two 'vims': the gui version compiled as gvim and
> `vim' compiled without the gui. I would like to recompile the
> console `vim' with support for the clipboard and without the
> embedding of the perl and python interpreters, but with the option
> to embed the interperters if necessary.
> I could really use some tips on how to recompile with the following
> changes: +clipboard +xterm_clipboard, -python, -perl

The "+clipboard" is enabled, by using the "--with-x" configure switch,
or just by using "--with-features=huge" - vim then by default will link
against X libraries.
If you want to have "+clientserver" and "+clipboard" features, and you
don't want to build the Gui version (by default in Linux is the GTK+2),
you can use "--with-x --enable-gui=no".

Vim doesn't try (by default) to build the various interpreters
(including Perl and Python), unless you explicitly enable them during
configuration, by using the "--enable-perlinterp" or "--enable-pythoninterp"
configure switches.

So the following should work for you:

./configure --with-features=huge

I left out the --prefix switch; if you don't provide it, Vim installation
will be placed under the "/usr/local" hierarchy by default.


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