Saturday, January 30, 2010

Re: Garbled mail on list

Hi Tony!

On Sa, 30 Jan 2010, Tony Mechelynck wrote:

> It got garbled again. I had typed in UTF-8: ...mistyped [plus-minus] for
> [superscript-one]... and after the round-trip to you it comes back as:
> ...mistyped [a-ogonek] for [s-caron]...
> Confusion between Latin1 and Latin2 could have explained it, but my mail
> was sent to the list in UTF-8, and yours came back to me in UTF-8 (as
> shown by their respective Content-Type headers)... I wonder how your
> mutt is set up, or your Vim if you use that to edit mail.

Both are setup to use utf-8 when necessary. The mail was sent with
latin1 since all characters could be displayed using this encoding and
that is how the mail is shown in my sent mailbox.

Besides, this configuration works on many lists flawlessly and has been
tested to support utf-8 and latin1/9 encoding without problems on many
different occasions.

> AFAIK there's nothing in this footer which would explain "convert from
> UTF-8 to Latin1 then convert the same text from Latin2 to UTF-8".

Don't ask me, ask the guys at google. They mangle the mails and break


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