Sunday, January 31, 2010

Re: gvim window size on Windows

On 01/02/10 06:03, Gene Kwiecinski wrote:
>> Is it possible to instruct gvim to open in full size
>> (whole screen) instead of a quarter of the screen size???
> Ancient tip that's been done to death, no?
> Set your rows/cols to 9999 or something huge, should max out to the actual screen dimensions. Or there's the simalt trick to maXimise it, as if you typed alt-space/x.
> Either one worx.

The simalt trick is locale-dependent, since the key for Maximize is not
X in every menu language. In addition, it is win32-only (if someday you
migrate to Linux it will stop working). OTOH,

:set lines=999 columns=999

(in your gvimrc, or at the GUIEnter event, or bracketed by :if
has('gui_running') in your vimrc) should work on all systems and
languages. It should appear _after_ you set the 'guifont', since
changing the font may change the size of the character cell.

Best regards,
Watson's Law:
The reliability of machinery is inversely proportional to the
number and significance of any persons watching it.

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