Friday, January 1, 2010

Re: Is vim just for programmers?

On Fri, Jan 01, 2010 at 07:50:17AM -0600, Tim Chase scribed:
> > Searching the web for people's views on writing methods I
> > found a number who said that one should use vim for
> > programming but emacs for other kinds of writing. So I had a
> > look at emacs out of curiosity but couldn't see any real
> > advantage for me in learning it. Am I missing something here?
> > Is anyone else still using vim for writing lengthy texts?
> Me :)

Me too.

I use vim for almost anything - including writing in forms on the web (via
the firefox plugin ItsAllText). I write books, esseys, articles and all my
e-mail in vim (I use Mutt as the mail client). I am almost twice as
effective in handling e-mail than most people I know with the mutt/vim

->Geir Isene :)

Daglig leder / CEO FreeCode AS
Cell: +47 - 473 44 000
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