Monday, January 25, 2010

Re: Line Spacing for beter reading text

On Jan 24, 11:46 pm, Tim Chase <> wrote:
> > I m using vim to write literature texts. Not code (ok I
> > use vim for editing my linux config too ) but dense texts.
> > Lines are longs, I use warp, so it make me large blocs of
> > texts. Hard to read. For me the solution would be to be able
> > to set the line spacing (and maybe non-propotional fonts, it s
> > an other subject) to something like 1,5 or 2.
> In gvim (not sure you can do it in (non-g)vim, though your
> terminal may offer some similar setting), you can set the
> 'linespace' option to something other than 0 for wider leading.
>    :help 'linespace'
>    :set lsp=10      "or whatever feels comfortable to you
> The units are pixels.

Great ! Exactly what I was looking for. How can I miss this simple
option after searches on google ???
Anyway Thank's a lot.

> There's a parallel thread on the ML regarding monospaced vs.
> proportional fonts -- I believe in one of the environments
> (GTK2?) you can specify that vim *displays* a proportional font,
> but it does it in a monospaced fashion which just looks *REALLY*
> ugly, IMHO :)

More than ugly :) Chance is that there's more and more great mono-
spaced fonts (inconsolata, Droid-sans-mono, monaco, envy-code-R…)
Idealy, i'd like vim to be able to use pango or something like that,
cause I like some proportional fonts too, but line spacing was much
more important for me.
I've set it to 8.

> Hope this helps,

Realy, thank's a lot.


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