Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Re: non-trivial regexp needed, please help

Hi Matt!

On Mo, 04 Jan 2010, Matt Wozniski wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 1:12 PM, Tim Chase wrote:
> >> I am trying to put together a regexp to find pieces of text within one line,
> >> but I do not know their order.
> ...
> >> Also, best if it would be flexible enough to support arbitrary number of
> >> samples without much typing.
> >
> > I don't think there's a natively nice way to do this
> If I'm understanding the problem correctly, I think you're looking for \&
> /.*apple\&.*banana\&.*carrot
> See :help /\&

And if you want to automate this, this could be helpful:
| fu! <SID>SearchMultipleWordsInLine(...)
| if a:0==1
| return a:1
| else
| let a='.*\('.a:1.'\)1'
| let j=a:2
| let b=''
| while j>1
| let b.='\&.*\1'.(a:2-j+2)
| let j-=1
| endw
| return a.b
| endif
| endfu
| com! -nargs=+ SearchMulti :let @/=<SID>SearchMultipleWordsInLine(<f-args>)

And then do :SearchMulti sample 4

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