Friday, January 29, 2010

Re: Single-column 'set'?

Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:
> I just managed to clobber one machine's ~/.vim.local directory (where I
> keep machine-specific settings). Luckily I have an instance of 'vim'
> still running with the old settings. Armed with my recent ':redir @a'
> knowledge (thanks to Brett and wikia), I've managed to save the
> settings I care about, via:
> :redir @a
> :let
> :set
> :abbrev
> :map
> :redir END
> But, I was wondering: is there a way to get single-column output for
> ':set'? The results I got were hard to 'diff'.

My first ugly-but-post-processable idea was to

:set columns=12

(apparently the min allowed..something I hadn't considered
before) and then each value output from ":set" comes out on its
own line (or split across multiple lines if too long...but
appears unbroken in :redir output)

and then restore your previous value for 'columns'. Granted, for
obvious reasons, your diff will have a mismatched value for
'columns' ;-)


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