Friday, January 1, 2010

Re: very simple braces based folding

> I'm somewhat confused, as folding works perfectly fine for me
> even without the patch. Can you please check if your javascript.vim
> is exactly the same as mine? (see attached).

Yes, I have the same file, it's the one that ships with vim 7.2

What I did was copying your javascript.vim to my
~/.vim/syntax/javascript.vim and tweaked it there. Now I have what I
initially wanted, because I changed the folding region to be bounded
by ^{$ and ^}$ because I always put the opening and closing braces of
functions in their own lines. Also, I changed the fold text to tell me
the number of lines and also applied the patch that was sent by
Christian. And now everything is good!


>>> Hi Daniel!
>>> On So, 27 Dez 2009, Daniel Fetchinson wrote:
>>>> void x( )
>>>> -----------------folded--------------
>>>> void y( )
>>>> -----------------folded--------------
>>>> And if the folded regions are unfolded, there are no enclosed folds
>>>> either (only top level braces are folded).
>>>> This is all good.
>>>> Now I have a hard time reproducing all of this with javascript files :(
>>> If I read syntax/javascript.vim correctly you need to enable syntax
>>> based folding by setting :let javaScript_fold=1 in e.g. your .vimrc.
>>> However there seems to be a bug with syntax based folding, which
>>> prevents folding. The following patch works for me (I understand syntax
>>> rules only very basically), therefore cc'ing the maintainer Claudio
>>> Fleiner.
>>> chrisbra@256bit:~/local/share/vim/vim72/syntax$ diff -Nu
>>> javascript.vim{.orig,}
>>> --- javascript.vim.orig 2009-12-29 14:12:39.000000000 +0100
>>> +++ javascript.vim 2009-12-29 14:12:42.000000000 +0100
>>> @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
>>> syn keyword javaScriptRepeat while for do in
>>> syn keyword javaScriptBranch break continue
>>> syn keyword javaScriptOperator new delete instanceof typeof
>>> -syn keyword javaScriptType Array Boolean Date Function
>>> Number
>>> Object String RegExp
>>> +syn keyword javaScriptType Array Boolean Date Number Object
>>> String RegExp
>>> syn keyword javaScriptStatement return with
>>> syn keyword javaScriptBoolean true false
>>> syn keyword javaScriptNull null undefined
>>> The problem seems to be that the syntax keywod javaScriptType
>>> takes precedence over the defined region javaScriptFunction and
>>> therefore prevents that the syntax folding applies. Claudio probably
>>> knows better if this is true and how to fix the problem.
>>> regards,
>>> Christian
>> Thanks Christian!
>> Your patch does indeed fix the problem!
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel

Psss, psss, put it down! -

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