Saturday, January 30, 2010

Windows gVim cannot read Chinese from clipboard created in Cygwin vim

On Windows, I have one single vimrc for both gVim and cygwin vim.
It works great, and both can input Chinese using VimIM plugin without
touching |+multi_byte_ime|.

The key vimrc setting to display Chinese are:

set enc=utf8 gfn=Courier_New:h12:w7 fencs=ucs-bom,utf8,chinese

Now, open console vim, I can type Chinese at will: (correct Chinese


The problem came in when I wanted to put the content to Windows system

Because console vim does not support @+ or @" register, I have to
use external programs. But that is not an issue as making system()
calls from console vim is a pleasant (sorry for gVim.exe).

Option #1, using cygwin putclip:
:%y|call system('putclip', @@)

option #2, using clip from Windows
:%y|call system('clip', @@)

Both above options worked in the way that the content (14 Chinese
characters) was put successfully in Windows clipboard.

However, when I opened gVim, and pasted from clipbard (:put *),
I found garbled characters:

From option #1, I got the following mess:
æ²§æµ·æœˆæ˜Žç  æœ‰æ³ª
è" ç"°æ—¥æš–玉ç"ŸçƒŸ

From option #2, I got the following mess:

Further investigation shows that the content in the Windows clipboard
is not lost.
I could get the original Chinese by the following steps using gVim:

(1) gVim vimrc
set enc=ansi gfn=Courier_New:h12:w7 fencs=ansi
(2) gVim
(3) :put *
(4) :wq myfile
(5) gVim vimrc
set enc=utf8 gfn=Courier_New:h12:w7 fencs=ucs-bom,utf8,chinese
(6) gVim
(7) :r myfile

I also searched wikia, but found nothing dealing with multi-bytes:

It looks like the issue is ++enc=utf8 cannot "translate"/"detect"
clipboard content?

Any thing do I missed?



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