Monday, February 1, 2010

Re: am i using

Ben Fritz wrote:
> Maybe on certain Linux distributions which keep their Vim a
> year or more out of date this idea makes sense, but I still
> think even "serious" users can work for years without ever
> touching the C code.

I think I qualify as one of those "serious users" :) I run
Debian stable, which tends to be pretty antiquated (and provide
cause for Tony to give me a little friendly grief/chiding/goading
for running such old versions ;-) It was a big deal for me when
a dist-upgrade moved me from 6.x to 7.x, and I still have some
old machines that get nothing but security updates with 6.x on
them. I've never done anything more compiling/C-related than
read Tony's excellent build-instructions.


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