Monday, February 1, 2010

Re: Control-

On 2010-01-31, Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:

> There was a similar thread recently on the Zsh list about the 'Home' and
> 'End' keys. If I'm not mistaken, Vim puts terminals into 'application'
> mode, where, in mlterm, the sequences are:
> (bare) (Ctrl+)
> Up ^[OA ^[O1;5A
> Down ^[OB ^[O1;5B
> Right ^[OC ^[O1;5C
> Left ^[OD ^[O1;5D
> O = capital o, not zero

That would explain this from the original post, too:

In gvim, when at vim's command line, I can do c-<left> and
c-<right> to move the cursor to the previous/next word boundary.
In normal vim, I cannot do this. It tries to enter the control
code text "1;5D" into the document instead (and I lose the
command that I was composing).

which I couldn't reconcile with the escape sequences I was seeing.


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