Sunday, February 28, 2010

Re: FedoraCore 8

On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 7:36 PM, Benjamin R. Haskell <> wrote:
> So, you might have 'curses' or 'ncurses' installed, but you also need
> 'curses-devel' or 'ncurses-dev' (I don't know the correct name).
> You'll probably need several such packages.  The following is probably
> your easiest approach:
>> Matt Wozniski wrote on February 11th:
>> > Or just "sudo apt-get build-dep vim" to get all of the dependencies
>> > needed to build the version that's in the repositories.  In theory,
>> > that might not be all of the things you need to build a vim that
>> > you're ./configuring yourself, since it won't include headers needed
>> > for features that aren't compiled into vim-gnome.  In practice,
>> > though, vim-gnome includes nearly all features, so that's not really a
>> > problem.  At the very least, it's the best jumping off point, since
>> > the worst case is that you need to track down one or two more missing
>> > packages.

Unfortunately, that only works on deb-based systems, not RPM ones.
I'd hope that RPM based systems have something similar, but I don't
know about it; all of the Linux systems I've ever admin'ed have been


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