Sunday, February 28, 2010

Re: FedoraCore 8

> 1) Build of sources might not work since the installation might
> not have some "developer" packages needed for the build
> process. One would think that an installation of Fedora would
> have "everything" whereas an installation of "RedHat" might
> miss some developer packages but I found a Fedora 8 install
> that did not have things needed to build vim!

This is true for all mainstream Linux distributions: you may need 50G
disk spaces to install all developer packages or some 100G to install

Believe me, you won't want to install everything and you don't even want
to download everything.

> 4) On Fedora, one can use the "yum" command; for example, on
> Fedora 8, "yum install vim-enhanced" will install vim 7.1 with
> patches 1-242. Note that the rpm listed in the link at (2),
> viz., vim-enhanced-7.1.135-1.fc8.i386.rpm, has only 135 patches
> but yum was able to install vim-enhanced with 242 patches; no
> idea where yum found this! (The latest version of vim that
> yum finds on Fedora 5 is 7.0.042.)

You'll have a hard time if you don't know how to use the "package
manager". Because most mainstream Linux distributions are much bigger
than a DVD and they won't install everything by default.

The installation media gives you a basic system, the package manager
helps you find what you want in the remaining 100G.

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