> Hi,
> At one point in a vim script function I'm writing, the system will be
> in visual mode and I want it to go back out of visual mode to normal
> mode.
> I know it doesn't really work to use something like 'normal! v'
> because if the visual mode it stared in was 'V' then that command will
> just change it to a character-based selection rather than going back
> to normal mode.
> If I use
> normal!<ESC>
> that's treated as just typing '<' 'E' 'S' 'C''>'
yep, :normal does not accept key codes, use
:exec "normal! \<Esc>"
> so I thought I could use this:
> normal! ^[
It works for me.
> (which I've entered by typing 'normal ' and then pressing CTRL-Q
> then<ESC>. I'm doing this on a windows machine, so on other
> systems you'd be typing CTRL-V instead of CTRL-Q).
> and I /thought/ this was working the other day, but now when I try
> using it, it keeps giving me this error:
> E471: Argument required: normal!
> [...]
> so I'm wondering, what (preferably non-hack-like) means can I use in a
> function to get out of visual
> mode and return to normal mode? I figure there must be some means of
> escaping or specifying a<ESC> key-press that I don't know about.
or use :exec "normal! \e" (:h expr-quote)
func! VisModeTest()
normal! v
" exec "normal! \e\e"
exec "normal! \e"
call VisModeTest()
No problem here: a single \e works ok, if doubled it'll beep.
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