Monday, March 29, 2010

Re: No more 8-character limit?

On 29 March 2010 19:30, Yakov wrote:

> On Mar 29, 5:46 pm, Tony Mechelynck
> <> wrote:
> > Even on later Windows systems, 8.3 names still exist
> > because they are
> Are we going to rename vim to something like
> visualeditorcompatiblewithvi now ?

Why? Not everything warrants a catchy name.

> I think the argument confuses two different things,
> (a) 8.3 limit of APIs or of filesystem, and
> (b) tendency of [unix] people to abbreviate filenames and
> variables *really short*.
> Beleive it or not, some people will abbreviate really
> short, no matter what's filename limit.

You've never needed more than eight letters? --Antony

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