Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Re: What are your "auto-nextline commenting" habits? [sj]

* smu johnson <> [2010-04-01 00:24]:
> Lately I've found I might enjoy the feature that keeps commenting
> lines after you hit <CR>, as it makes commenting in Perl
> much easier than having to add # to each of your lines.
> how do you quickly "exit" that commenting mode in a way that isn't
> annoying or frustrating? I am not quite sure how to "turn it off"
> without having to manually delete the new comment starter when I hit
> the 'o' command to open a new line. It thinks I want a comment still!

when i open a new line from a "commented line" then vim
automatically copies the comment indentation. feature.
if however i dont want the comment on the line then
i simply delete it (within insert mode) with CTRL-U.

no need to change the comments options or anything.
easy and effective. :-)


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