Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Re: Why no window-local mapping?

On 30/03/10 19:14, Jeenu wrote:
> On Mar 30, 10:04 pm, Tony Mechelynck<antoine.mechely...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> See line 2245 in $VIMRUNTIME/doc/todo.txt (:help todo.txt) dated 2010
>> Mar 02 as shown on its first line.
> Sorry. The said doc on my Vim (Ubuntu) doesn't have anything
> interesting at that line. What I've is:
> 2242 specific prefixes with suffixes.
> 2243 Alternative:
> 2244 PSFX {flag} {pchop} {padd} {pcond} {schop} {sadd}[/flags]
> {scond}
> 2245 We might not need this at all, you can use the NEEDAFFIX flag
> and the
> 2246 affix which is required.
> 2247 - When a suffix has more than one syllable, it may count as a
> word for
> 2249 - Add flags to count extra syllables in a word. SYLLABLEADD1
> 2250 etc.? Or make it possible to specify the syllable count of a
> word
> Um, what's that you're pointing at?

Benjamin Haskell told you, but you should have checked the date on line
1 of the file. Apparently not everyone keeps his Vim runtimes up-to-date
as diligently as I do. ;-)

The latest version of that file is always available at
ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/runtime/doc/todo.txt so you could have done:

:sview +2245 ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/runtime/doc/todo.txt

(there is also an rsync server). Sorry I didn't think to mention this
command earlier.

> Thanks
> Jeenu

My pleasure.
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like plastic coffee cups..." -- Paul Moore

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