Thursday, April 1, 2010

java keyword syntax highlighting

I'm trying to figure out why there's a discrepancy between syntax
highlighting between my two setups:

· OS 10.6, MacVim 7.2 stable 1.2
· Ubuntu 9.04, Vim 7.2.079

A while ago I moved my .bashrc, .vimrc, and .vim/ to a git repository
shared on both machines. They are both at the same version and I've
ensured that none of the files are missing from the repository.
My .vimrc contains the following:

syntax on
set hlsearch
set number "line numbers
set bsdir=last "last accessed directory is default working
set showmatch "shows cursor after completing a bracket
set guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono:h10.00
colorscheme molokai
set mouse=a
set so=7
let java_highlight_java_lang_ids=1
set smarttab
set ts=4 "tabstop in spaces
set sts=4 "soft tab stop (typically for insert mode)
set sw=4 "shift width (no of spaces for auto
set expandtab "spaces, never tab characters
set cindent "auto C indentation
set cinoptions=l1,(0,u0,j1
set tags+=~/.vim/ctagsdb

My .gvimrc is the only file unique to MacVim and it only specifies a
font and a tab preference.

You can see the contents of my .vim/ directory at this link:

Does anyone have any idea why keywords like "public", "class", and
"this" are not being highlighted on the Ubuntu machine? It's driving
me a bit nuts. I've searched Topeka (heh, April 1...), but I'm just
getting basic howtos

Thanks sincerely

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