Monday, April 26, 2010

Re: FAQ question section 11.4

On Mon, 26 Apr 2010, stosss wrote:

> I have an ASCII table generated from an HTML file the curly quotes
> show up as 147 and 148, when I type / and then press CTRL and then v I
> get only this ^ if I type 147 ENTER I get this <93>

ASCII does not contain 'curly quotes'. Character 147 (hexadecimal 0x93)
in Windows codepage 1252 [CP1252] (the Microsoft 'extension' of Latin-1
[ISO-8859-1]) is the equivalent of Unicode codepoint U201C (decimal

> I still don't understand how this works or what I am doing wrong.

Your problem is with encodings. The advice I would give depends on what
your ultimate goal is. (E.g. there are rare cases where I'd recommend
keeping the Windows-y encoding.)

:help 'encoding'
:help 'fileencoding'


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