> it's not under development anymore.
There are two more plugins of that kind somewhere on the internet.
You might also want to check vimuiex, which requires python-support
and a patched version of vim though.
You could use external tools that display a dialog and return some
kind of value you could work with. Those are often named Xdialog,
where X is the name of the toolkit being used. Or just "dialog" if
you're on the terminal.
If you have python/ruby/perl support compiled in, there might be other
You could also think of presenting the users a buffer with a form that
can be easily parsed and set nomodifiable via CursorMoved(I) if the
cursor is over a field tag. I use that approach in one plugin and it
works well for me.
IMHO in many cases good command-line completion is the better solution
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