Thursday, April 29, 2010

Re: $HOME variable not set properly in XP - showing "test"

On 29/04/10 04:41, kp wrote:
> Thanks Jürgen.
> 1. The :vimgrep didn't return any results.
> 2. Outside vim, %HOME% is not set
> 3. Before loading the .vimrc, the %HOME% is refering to 'test'
> But your help, gave me hint. I added this line in the end of .vimrc and
> it worked
> Thanks,
> Krishna

Do you by any chance have a "system vimrc"? Its default location is
$VIM/vimrc (without any initial . or _ before the filename) but that
location depends on a compile-time setting. The actual location for each
Vim executable is displayed near the middle of the ":version" output.

If the file exists, it will be sourced in 'nocompatible' mode, before
looking for your [._]vimrc.

Best regards,
The gods gave man fire and he invented fire engines. They gave him
love and he invented marriage.

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