Monday, April 26, 2010

Re: How to display underline on current line?

I don't know fellas. When I tried underline - it worked slow as hell. At least in GVim. If you'll have big delays - underline is the first thing to switch off.

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 9:11 PM, Tony Mechelynck <> wrote:
On 26/04/10 13:58, robert song wrote:
Hello, everyone.
Is there any method to display underline on current line,
I think it's very useful for code review.

Just like following format:
void main() {<- current line
--------------<- underline


I use the following to highlight the current line & column: I use underline in the console, a very light grey (not very different from "Normal" white) in the gui but of course you can vary at will.

In my vimrc:

       if exists('+cursorline')
               set cursorline cursorcolumn

In my home-written colourscheme:

       hi CursorLine cterm=NONE,underline guibg=#F4F4F4
       hi! link CursorColumn CursorLine

Best regards,
GUARD #1:  What, ridden on a horse?
ARTHUR:    Yes!
GUARD #1:  You're using coconuts!
ARTHUR:    What?
GUARD #1:  You've got two empty halves of coconut and you're bangin' 'em
                                 The Quest for the Holy Grail (Monty Python)

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