Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Re: How to highligh multiple matches?

On Apr 27, 9:19 am, Peter Princz <prin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear vim community,
> I have a small issue, it really just bugs me. Could not find it in the
> documentation, maybe the collective wisdom of this list will solve it.
> A search pattern of: .*\zsfoo\ze\&.*\zsbar\ze will find all instances where
> "foo" and "bar" are at the same line, in arbitrary order.
> This is OK, but I want them to be highlighted as matches too, both of them.

You can't, in this way. A single match can only have a single start
and end. Does it really make sense for a match to start and end in two
different places simultaneously?

You CAN show both these matches in other ways, using the matchadd
function, as shown here:


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