Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Re: How to highligh multiple matches?

Am 27.04.2010 16:21, schrieb Peter Princz:
> "foo" in the last question, sorry.
> /p.
> On 27 April 2010 16:19, Peter Princz<princzp@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear vim community,
>> I have a small issue, it really just bugs me. Could not find it in the
>> documentation, maybe the collective wisdom of this list will solve it.
>> A search pattern of: .*\zsfoo\ze\&.*\zsbar\ze will find all instances where
>> "foo" and "bar" are at the same line, in arbitrary order.
>> This is OK, but I want them to be highlighted as matches too, both of them.
>> Now, only "bar" will be highlighted, not "foo".
>> Do yo have any idea, how to highlight "bar" as well?
>> Any help very much appreciated.
>> Have a nice day,
>> Peter

This is old code from/after a similar thread.
Hint: use :SearchTwo with bang to get both items matched.

" Created: 2008 Aug 07
" Last Change: 2009 Jun 05
" Rev Days: 3

" Search for 'abc\|def', but match only if the alternative word matches in
" the same line. I.e. if 'abc' matches, require a match for 'def' in the
" same line (and vice versa with [!]). This is unlike the LogiPat plugin,
" which always matches whole lines.
" /\%(def.*\)\@<=abc\|abc\%(.*def\)\@=\|\%(abc.*\)\@<=def\|def\%(.*abc\)\@=

com! -bang -nargs=* SearchTwo call feedkeys('/'.SearchTwo(<bang>0, <f-args>))

" lskdfjlsdkf abc lksdjflsadkf abc
" lsk def dfjlsdkf abc lksdjflsadkf abc laskdjflsd abc
" sldkfj lsdkf def lsdkflsfa sdef lsdkfjsdaf
" lsdfjsldk abc lsadkfsd def
" ;sldkf def lsdfksd abc lsdkfj
" all sdkf def lsdkfjsd
" alsdkfj sad abc lsadkfj

func! SearchTwo(bang, word1, word2)
let wp1 = a:word1 " anwolib#MagicEscape(a:word1)
let wp2 = a:word2 " anwolib#MagicEscape(a:word2)
let beffmt = '\%%(%s.*\)\@<=%s'
let aftfmt = '%s\%%(.*%s\)\@='
let patfmt = beffmt.'\|'.aftfmt
let pat1 = printf(patfmt, wp2, wp1, wp1, wp2)
let pat2 = printf(patfmt, wp1, wp2, wp2, wp1)
if a:bang
return pat1.'\|'.pat2
return pat1

" match abc with a match for def before it
" match abc with a match for def after it
" match def with a match for abc before it
" match def with a match for abc after it
" (def) abc
" abc (def)
" (abc) def
" def (abc)


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