Thursday, April 29, 2010

Re: Mapping Shift-space: how to tell if its possible?

On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 7:55 PM, John Beckett <> wrote:
Britton Kerin wrote:
> I'd like to map shift-space <S-Space> to <PageDown> or something.
> After a lot of googling I find several mentions that some
> setups are st vim differentiates between <Space> and
> <S-Space> and some not.
> It seems not for me since :<C-v><S-Space> outputs only a space.
> I didn't find any mention what in the setup makes the difference?
> I'm using gvim not console.

In insert mode in gvim, press Ctrl-K then Shift-Space. On my
system, it shows <S-Space> indicating that it knows what the key

Try entering this test:

   :map <S-Space> :echo 'You pressed Shift-Space'<CR>

Then, in normal mode, press Shift-Space.

Both these tests seem to indicate that my machine doesn't see Shift-Space.
Any idea why some systems  do this and some not, or what I might do to
fix this problem?


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