Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Re: A 'visible within the window' range?


Duane Johnson wrote:
> So the % symbol is a special range that means 'the whole file'. Is
> there a similar special symbol that means 'what is visible in the
> window'?
> For example, say I can see three instances of the word 'abracadabra'
> on the screen. I want to change them to 'wizard' but don't want to
> affect any other parts of the file. Is there a way to do this without
> entering visual mode? If not, is there a way to select all visible
> lines so that (in visual mode) I can do:
> :*s/abracadabra/wizard/r

as Tim already wrote * might be a shorthand for the range '<,'> . If
you don't need this shorthand you can use this mapping to replace the
asterisk with the line number of the first and last line of the current

cmap <expr> * (getcmdpos() == 1) ? line('w0') . ',' . line('w$') : '*'

This replaces the asterisk only if it's the first character on the line.
Of course you can also use any other key for this.


Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)

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