Friday, April 30, 2010

Re: Yank range ?

On Friday 30 April 2010 9:57:07 pm stosss wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 10:46 PM, sc <>
> > On Friday 30 April 2010 9:17:57 pm stosss wrote:
> >> I went to :he y and I see:
> >> :[range]y[ank] [x] Yank [range] lines [into register x].
> >>
> >> so I do:
> >> :'y,'zy"c
> >>
> >> It did not give me an error, but when I type:
> >>
> >> "cP
> >>
> >> I don't get what I yanked.
> >>
> >> What I am doing wrong?
> >> What register is my yanked text in?
> >
> > i think it'll be in the un-named register (")
> Yes typing P dumped my text into the file.
> > i think what you wanted to do was
> >
> > :'y,'zyc
> This produced the E492 error
> So how does range yank into a named register work?

it works fine when you remember the space between the 'y' and the
register (as it shows -- and i overlooked -- in the help module)

what you really wanted to do was

:'y,'zy c


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