Monday, May 31, 2010

Fwd: Problem using for maps

sorry I sent the previous message only to tony

---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
De: Pablo Giménez <>
Fecha: 31 de mayo de 2010 11:38
Asunto: Re: Problem using <Plug> for maps
Para: Tony Mechelynck <>

This is the output of the verbose command:
  <C-O>       * <Plug>TdvimOpenfile
        Last set from /user_data/ARCHIVE/TDVim/keymaps.vim
And for <Plug>TdvimOpenfile:
   <Plug>TdvimOpenfiletab & :browse tabnew<CR>
        Last set from /user_data/ARCHIVE/TDVim/keymaps.vim
   <Plug>TdvimOpenfile * :browse e<CR>
        Last set from /user_data/ARCHIVE/TDVim/keymaps.vim

Seems that maps are sourced properly and my script is the last one doing it.
Is is strange cos it seems that is I use map rather than norempa it works.
This statement works:
map  <silent> <C-o> <Plug>TdvimOpenfile
And this one doesn't:
noremap  <silent> <C-o> <Plug>TdvimOpenfile

No idea why this is happening, at least I have a workaround.

El 28 de mayo de 2010 20:23, Tony Mechelynck <> escribió:
On 28/05/10 19:24, Pablo Giménez wrote:

I am trying to use the <Plug> attribute for my script keymaps. But so
far is not working as expected.
I have the next in a afile called keymaps.vim
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>KeymapsOpenFile :browse e<CR>
map <C-o> <Plug>KeymapsOpenFile

This is not working, when I press <C-o> nothing happens.
But if I manually from the command line type:
:map <C-o> <Plug>KeymapsOpenFile

Then the map works perfectly.
Any ideas???

Un saludo
Best Regards
Pablo Giménez

Maybe something  which is sourced after your keymaps.vim defines another mapping for that key? Or maybe your keymaps.vim is not sourced at all?

- In which directory have you put that keymaps.vim file?

- What does Vim say in reply to

       :verbose map <C-O>

when you type that in a Vim session where you have *not* manually defined the mapping from the command-line?

Best regards,
What good is having someone who can walk on water if you don't follow
in his footsteps?

Un saludo
Best Regards
Pablo Giménez

Un saludo
Best Regards
Pablo Giménez

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