Monday, May 31, 2010

Re: about backspace key

On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 2:19 PM, Gary Johnson <> wrote:
On 2010-06-01, taco wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Ben Fritz <> wrote:

>     On May 31, 9:01 pm, taco <> wrote:
>     > at insert mode, if I enter character and press backspace to delete it, it
>     > works. after a second or I have pressed ESC, same as at insert mode,
>     > pressing backspace don't delete any character. vim default setting just
>     as
>     > this like?
>     >
>     Every post made to your original question tells you how to fix this,
>     and how to learn more.
>     Try reading them.

> ok, I am sorry,
> "Set backspace
> set backspace=eol,start,indent
> add above lines to .vimrc can fix this issue.
> I want to learn more, whether vim default setting about backspace is like :
> > at insert mode, if I enter character and press backspace to delete it, it
> > works. after a second or I have pressed ESC, same as at insert mode,
> > pressing backspace don't delete any character. vim default setting just as
> > this like?

Do you mean that pressing backspace does not delete the preceding
character in normal mode?  (See ":help vim-modes" for a definition
of normal mode.)  If so, that is correct:  in normal mode, pressing
backspace is supposed to move the cursor to the left, not delete
anything.  See

   :help <BS>

for a description of the behavior of the backspace key in normal
mode.  That help entry also shows you how to change the behavior to
delete a character.

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to this list.


sorry again, I am new here.
thank you for your helping.
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