Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Re: Change how a buffer splits

On May 26, 7:26 am, Pablo Giménez <> wrote:
> Hi.
> I am testing Conque terminal,, and I have
> found some problems when spliting windows.
> If you use the basic split, using <C-w>s or v, or from the gvim menu, it
> splits the current window in two with the same buffer in both of them.

Right from the page you link above, I see the following:

To open Conque in a new horizontal or vertical buffer use:
:ConqueTermSplit <command>
:ConqueTermVSplit <command>All text typed in insert mode will be sent
to your shell. Use the <F9> key to send a visual selection from any
buffer to the shell

So, the solution to your problem is...DON'T USE BUILT-IN VIM SPLIT
COMMANDS on Conque windows. Use the commansd Conque provides.

If you want, you could create a buffer-local command abbreviation,
that automatically substitutes the correct command when you
type :split.


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