Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Re: How to avoid use original command while execute !cmd

On 26/05/10 12:02, NickC wrote:
> On Wed, 26 May 2010 01:05:30 -0700, John Little wrote:
>> Maybe he used vimš, and typed (in insert mode)
>> <c-k>1S
>> ;)
>> šsee :help digraph
> D'oh! Of course.
> Thanks,

Actually, when I type x ^ 2 (eks circumflex two) without the spaces,
like this: x^2, some mailers (including mine IIRC) will render it as x²
(eks squared -- this last time I used the superscript-two key present at
top left of my Belgian keyboard, see ). If this
paragraph isn't easy to understand, compare the "View Source" view with
the "Display" view.

Best regards,
Hell hath no fury like a bureaucrat scorned.
-- Milton Friedman

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