Thursday, May 27, 2010

Re: Mapping the Super / Windows key

> But F13, F14 and F15 are no modifier keys. I want to use the Windows key
> (Super key) as modifier key, e.g. Super-C to copy something into the
> X-Clipboard ("+y) like it's done on Mac OS with Command-C.

I see now. If you're not using Alt as a modifier you could use a
scancode mapping to do that, but what you really want is the <D-...>
mappings that work in Mac Vim to work elsewhere, for vim to support
more than three modifiers (more than shift, ctrl, alt). Whether
windows itself would let vim do that I don't know, but X certainly
would. Could be one for vim_dev, someone there has suggested a
rewrite of vim's key handling.

You also might consider learning more vim-like approaches. Check our
the 'clipboard' option.

Regards, John

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