Friday, June 25, 2010

Little imperfection with "lastpos" plugin

I use the "lastpos" plugin which allows remembering end of line cursor
position when quitting/reopening a file in insert mode.
The .(_)vimrc file contains "set insertmode"

Please do the following:
erase .(_)viminfo
gvim file1 (file1 opens at line 1, column 1)
put the cursor at the end of line 100 (say column 40)
quit (with the windows cross)
gvim file1 (file1 reopens with the cursor on line 100, colum 40, OK)
click on line 110 (or turn some pages)
type CTRL-O CTRL-O to go to the preceding jump
Result: the cursor goes to line 100, column 39 (instead of column 40)

Best regards

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