Thursday, June 24, 2010

pasting a block multiple times to the end of lines after a visual select (Ctrl+v)

I have a file that looks like below. Frequently I encounter this
scenario where all the shorter lines need to be padded with the zero
blocks on the right hand side. I can visual select with a Ctrl+v on
the segment

; 0; 0; 0

But I have to go to the end of each line and press a p. I cannot do a
8p as I would have done if I was pasting whole lines (Shift+v). Is
there a better solution to this procedure?

In some other editors I've found a mode where I can select a block of
text and then anything I type get's added to each line in that block.
Does VIM have a similar mode?

1277336401; 0; 0; 0
1277336701; 0; 0; 0
1277337001; 0; 0; 0
1277346301; 0; 226; 94
1277346601; 0; 226; 94
1277346901; 0; 226; 94

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