Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Re: delete lines from while loop

On Lu, 31 mai 10, 23:09:58, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> Hi Andrei!
> I am not sure, I understand your problem. Anyway, your function has one
> problem. You are deleting lines (including the end-of-line), so you
> after the exe "normal! dd" command your file has actually one line less
> then before. And the next time you run getline(linenum) you get actually
> the wrong line. (which would now be equivalent to linenum+1 and each
> time you do normal! dd you add another one)

Thanks, I have rewritten the function like this:

fu! <SID>RemoveFuzzy() range
for linenum in range(a:firstline, a:lastline)
let line = getline(linenum)
if line =~ '^#,\sfuzzy$'
let startline = linenum
let endline = linenum
elseif line =~ '^#|\s.*".*"$'
let endline = endline + 1
exe startline.",".endline."d"

This works because .po files have a strict format I can rely on, but I
have a feeling it could be shorter...


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