Thursday, June 24, 2010

Re: Feature Request...

On 06/24/2010 08:59 AM, Jens-Wolfhard Schicke wrote:
> I was just missing a command. And then I though about it for some time, and I think I would actually use it a lot:
> Single character insert. Just like "r" will let you replace one character, I often need to insert a single character.
> Currently I press "i<Whatever><ESC>", taking three strokes (one of them ESC or Ctrl-[, both of which involve some hand moving).
> With the single character insert, the most awkward of the three strokes would go away.
> Or am I just missing the right command?
> Regards,
>   Jens

It would be very easy to make a mapping for this, let @a = getch() and
then "aP (untested).

The issue is not adding a feature or a command but what key would be
assigned to it. Vim already has all keys taken by more useful commands.


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